Wednesday, January 30, 2013

You are a Somebody!

“Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God.”
2 Corinthians 3:5

 When we are not trying to prove to the world or ourselves that we are adequate in ourselves, then we are free to be whom called created us to be.  It’s okay to just enjoy where you are for the moment.  Yes, it’s okay to have goals, but in the midst of reaching those goals, enjoy the moment.  Take time to be content with where you are on your journey.  I am of the personality that likes to plan ahead, know what’s coming, and control my future.  The truth though is that only God can control my future and He is faithful and trustworthy!  Only in Him am I adequate.  I am worthy and fully loved and accepted just because I am His.  I don’t have to “become” somebody, I am already somebody in God’s eyes.  I am His princess.  You are His prince or princess!  Take time to revel in the moment.  Look around and smell the roses.  Enjoy being and praise God for every breathe and every step.  You are somebody!


Monday, January 28, 2013

Love Your Enemies

“But I say to you who hear,
love your enemies,
do good to those who hate you,
bless those who curse you,
pray for those who mistreat you.”
Luke 6:27-28

God requires us to have a soft heart for those who hurt us.  This is not easy.  But seeing them as God’s creation who have not yet understood their opportunity of adoption can help.  Pity them for their choices and for the hurt of their own hearts.  Love them with the love of Jesus who “died for us while we were yet sinners.” (Romans 5:8).  This does not mean that you have to make them your best friend or even a friend, but rather to treat them kindly and pray for them.  Then leave it at the feet of your Savior and put your mind to worthy pursuits.


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Deer in the headlights

That was me this past week.  What!  Not really, Lord!!!  Gallbladder surgery?  But, God, I eat right.  I have a very lowfat diet.  I even just lost 14 pounds!  That's when I realized (once again) that I am not in control.  Yes, nutrition can give you a better chance at health, but ultimately, we live in this world and are a part of its decaying system.  Genetically, I am predisposed - my dad had his gallbladder taken out.  I hit every high risk category: woman, over 40, and had several children.  And, (who knew?) eating a diet too low in fat and calories and then losing weight can overload your gallbladder! 

"As the deer pants for the water brooks,
So my soul pants for You, O God."
Psalm 42:1

That's the picture of a deer that I want to be - one serenely drinking from the life giving water, trusting, eager, obedient.  So, in the midst of this latest "What?" in my life, I will quiet my soul, go before my Father, and wait, and praise,and be still and drink of His goodness.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Our Shepherd

I ran across this passage in Ezekiel – beautiful.  Here is an excerpt.

“Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel…”
“For thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I Myself will search for My sheep and seek them out. 
As a shepherd cares for his herd in the day when he is among his scattered sheep, so I will care for My sheep and will deliver them from all the places to which they were scattered on a cloudy and gloomy day.
I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries and bring them to their own land; and I will feed them on the mountains of Israel, by the streams, and in all the inhabited places of the land.
I will feed them in a good pasture…
I will feed My flock and I will lead them to rest, declares the Lord God.
I will seek the lost, bring back the scattered, bind up the broken and strengthen the sick; but the fat and the strong I will destroy.  I will feed them with judgment…
Then I will set over them My Shepherd…
I will make a covenant of peace with them and eliminate harmful beasts from the land so that they may live securely…
And I will cause showers to come down in their season; they will be showers of blessing…”
 Ezekiel 34:1, 11-26ish.

This prophecy refers to the end times - the Millenium and beyond! That is to come.  But Jesus is the Shepherd of His flock today.  He will give rest to our souls and guide us spiritually for now, and in the end times all our needs will be abundantly supplied.  Baa!!!


Thursday, January 17, 2013

These Troubled Times

"In the world you have tribulation,
but take courage; I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

The president has issued his executive orders.  Does it seem like things are getting out of control?  Guess what?  They have in the past and they will continue to be.  Jesus did not promise us peace here on earth, but rather peace in our hearts and for all eternity.  In the meantime, what is the role of a Christian?  We are to be faith ful in the midst.  I love stories about WWII.  The heroes in my mind were those christians that did what ws right in the midst of great violence and turmoil - corrie Ten Boon and her family, members of the French resistance, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Schindler and many others.  They did not remove themselves form the conflict, but rather engaged themselves in it with integrity.  they were not just looking out for their own necks, but seeking to serve Christ and fellow man in the midst. 

What conflicts are before us in the coming years?  I don't have the answer for that, but I do know that the heroes will be those who know and love the Lord Jesus Christ even unto their own deaths.  It may be that God will call you to do one small act of faith during the days ahead or He may put you into position to save many lives and souls for His Kingdom.  Start now.  be prayed up, be growing in the word of God and being transformed, be faith ful in whatever task God gives to you now.  He who is faithful in a little, will be faithful in the great! Stand firm.  Know your beliefs and determine in your heart to stand for Christ no matter what.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

King of Kings

“The Lord sat as King at the flood,
Yes, the Lord sits as King forever.”
Psalm 29:10

Yes, I know I have used that verse recently.  But it is where the rubber meets the road in our Christian faith.  We pray for what we want, but then we must surrender to God’s will.  And we can surrender to God because as King He is able to do all things and He wants what is best for us.  His sovereignty makes my faith real.  Faith is the things hoped for and I can hope because God is able.  He protected His own (Noah and his family) during the flood, He kept the Israelites from the plagues in the midst of Egypt and led them out to make them a great nation, and He is my God as well.  When we know that He is King and we are His, there is nothing to fear.


Monday, January 14, 2013

Eternal Perspective

“By the word of the Lord the heavens were made,
And by the breath of His mouth all their host.
He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap;
He lays up the deeps in storehouses.
Let all the earth fear the Lord;
Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.
For He spoke, and it was done;
He commanded, and it stood fast.”
Psalm 33:6-9

 Keep a larger perspective.  Look to eternity.  It is too easy to get bogged down in the here and now.  Look to the Lord your God.
Life's circumstances can give us myopia!  I get near sighted when I look at the pain I face every day, or the emptiness of earhtly pursuits, or the lack of relationships in our lives right now, or the sin that has separated us, or the boredom of day to day living, or the worry of the future!  God would have us to have a broader vision! 
That is what fellowship is to be about.  When we are together, we are to remind one another of God's glorious plan - His future for us.  We are to sing praises to Him for His creation and the future that He is giving us through Jesus Christ.  Our time together should give us a glimpse of glory.  We are to remind each other that the circumstances of today are "momentary light affliction."  That a new day will dawn!  Look to the heavens for encouragement and joy!


Friday, January 11, 2013

God Rules!

Taken from  The Distant Beacon by Janette Oke and T. Davis Bunn.

"So you see that it was not just your plan for good that was thwarted, but God’s plan as well.”
“I mean that your Uncle Charles could have been quite in step with God’s plan for the Harrow estate.  You could have been in step with God’s plan too in your seeking to carry out your uncle’s intent.  But the evil one – he seeks only to alter, to destroy to engage all of the power at his disposal to keep God’s plans from being fulfilled.  He stops at nothing and uses anyone willing to be his tool.”

 Nicole’s “I see” was barely a whisper.

 “But one is not to despair over setbacks or inconveniences.  God is not blind.  Nor powerless.  He has other ways, other means.  Though the devil often appears to be the victor he is not.  Only momentarily at seeming advantage.  But the tide will turn.  God has other ways to accomplish His purposes.  He has not been blindsided, of that you can be certain.”

He leaned back in his chair and joined his hands over his ample girth.  His eyes took on a sparkle that Nicole hadn’t noticed before, “Quite frankly,” he said, “I find it invigorating.  Better than a game of chess.  Satan moves.  God checks.  God moves.  Satan counters.  It sometimes looks like check mate, but it never is.  Not for the enemy of our soul.  God always outplays him. Always.”

 “So you are saying –“

 “Wait, my dear.  Wait to see what God’s next move might be.”

 “You’re saying that God always rectifies?”

 “No,” said the pastor, “I am not saying that.  The evil one does destroy.  Does cause much pain and suffering and loss.  He does oppose and upset God’s plans for God’s people.  But this does not need to defeat us.  Because it does not defeat God.  His overall plan for mankind – to take us from a troubled earth to a perfect heaven – that will be accomplished for all who trust His way.  That is our hope.  We mustn’t let temporary setbacks in a temporary world cause us to retreat and fail to keep that hope alive.”


Thursday, January 10, 2013


"The Lord sat as King at the flood;
Yes, the Lord sits as King forever."
Psalm 29:10

It's raining!  It has been raining for a week!  But here in West Texas we are not complaining!!  We are rejoicing for the life-giving moisture!  Thank you Lord! 

Rain can be a blessing when there is not enough water and God opens the windows of heaven.  But it can also be curse when there is too much rain and the floods come!  Just as rain can be a blessing or a curse, so it goes with other areas of our lives.  It is all about perspective and need!  Suffering comes because we live in Satan's world.  Are you complaining or praising?  Are you allowing your suffering to work as a curse or a blessing? 

Think about the flood.  The one most catastrophic event in world history.  It brought death and destruction to the entire population of earth except for 8 souls and the animals that survived.  It was a curse to those who lived at the time.  But now, as we look back, we can see it as a blessing.  God used it to wipe out the nephilim and the ungodly humans.  He gave humanity a chance to choose the right direction.  He formed the mountains, canyons, hills, and rivers that we stand in awe of.  Out of destruction came another chance (we humans still blew it!) and great beauty.  God was King then and He turned the greatest catastrophe into a blessing.

God is King now.  He can turn your greatest calamity into blessing as well.  Choose to believe that God is in control.  Choose to believe that He has a plan and a purpose for your life.  Choose to believe that He is good and wants good for you.  Choose to believe that He is King.  Then in the midst of your suffering you can remember that it is "momentary light affliction" compared to eternity.  Whether you are facing pain, death, death of a loved one, a broken relationship, a life changing event, or another form of suffering and change, know that God is in control and He loves you.  Choose praise!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Praise Before the Answer Comes

“Blessed be the Lord,
Because He has heard the voice of my supplication. 

The Lord is my strength and my shield;
My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped;
Therefore my heart exults,
And with my song I shall thank Him.”
Psalm 28:6-7

 David, as he does so often, complains to God as he is surrounded by evil doers but then he turns to God with prayers of supplication fully expecting God to answer.  His faith is such that he thanks God for answering before the answer is manifest in his life.  His faith is based upon God’s character (The Lord is my strength and my shield.)  He declares his trust in God and he praises God in the midst. 

 I know that my praise usually comes after the answer has been received – when things have turned a corner.  Oh that I learn to praise Him in the midst based on who He is and the relationship that I have with God.  He is my loving Father and King.  He is able.  He cares.  He hears.  He answers.  That will be my confession today!


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

God of Your Legacy

“It is not those who are healthy who need a physician,
but those who are sick;
I did not come to call the righteous,
but sinners.” - Jesus
Mark 2:17

Sometimes Christians who humbled themselves for their salvation begin to think that they can now do life in their own strength.  They begin to believe that they are so healthy that they don’t need their Savior any more.  True, we are born again, but unfortunately, as long as we are in this world, our souls and spirits and bodies are not whole and healthy.  Realize daily your need for the Great Physician.  He heals the hurts of life, of the body, soul, and spirit!  He gives comfort where needed and solves problems when called upon.  Don’t try to do it alone.  Recognize your need and go to the Doctor’s office!

God is there when you need Him.  I recall times throughout my life when He intervened for me with love and comfort and chastisements.  There was the time that my life was out of control as a young adult.  He called me back to Himself and the word.  When I yelled at my boys when they were young, He taught me that I didn't need to get rid of anger as much as to fill up with Him and His word and there would be no room for anger and yelling.  He brought me a dress and wrapped me in its folds when I was rejected by my parents and in-laws.  He brought dreams of healing and comfort as I tackled the hurts of my past.  He used a song and a story to draw me into His Father's lap at long last.  There is more that God has done to give me a legacy and a hope to hold onto and pass on. 

What about you?  What "God moments" can you cling to that reminds you of your great legacy in God?  Was it a salvation experience?  a healing experience?  a moment of divine comfort?  a knowing of His presence?  Ask Him.  He will give you these and so much more.  Go to Him and sit in His presence and dance before your King.  He loves you!!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

People of Your Legacy

“Make me know your ways, O Lord:
Teach me Your paths.
Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
For You are the God of my salvation;
For You I wait all the day.”
Psalm 25:4

“You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13

Take the initiative, God can be found.  Seek Him out.  Ask Him the hard questions.  He is there and He loves you with a great and mighty love.

Your spiritual legacy includes people that poured themselves into your life.  People who were part of my legacy were Roland and Margaret, retired missionaries at the church that I walked to as a teenager, that handed me books to read (Through Gates of Splendor, Joni, The Hiding Place, etc...), Bob and Rose Zenk, a couple that led the youth at the church and modeled a Christian marriage and family to me, Lee and Glenda Stephenson, the pastor and his wife that taught me the importance of reading God's word, Tracy Halydier, my husband who showed me unconditional love that I might understand God's love, Leigh O'Malley, a faithful friend and prayer warrior, Ellen Moore, a Christian counselor and friend that walked me through forgiveness and encourages me, Joanne Caster, a fellow staff wife that loved me and listened to me and taught me to laugh, Sheri and Eric Friedrich who have been forever friends and still encourage and love us and who walked through all the stages of parenting with us and who daily model God's grace, and Kathy and Rick, faithful workers in god's kingdom.  There are others, but I thank these for their faithfulness and love.

Who has helped you establish a legacy to pass on?  Make sure that you tell them thank you and tell your children about the effect that these faithful saints have had on your life. 

Have you haelped or are you helping to set down a legacy of faith in someone else's life?  It may be your children, grandchildren, a niece or nephew, or a youth in your church.  You can impact a life for eternity by loving and modeling and including someone in your life.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Legacy t-shirts

Legacy t-shirts.

"But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ." Philippians 3:7

It was so much fun to go back and research the pictures for our family crest.  Here is what I included.

The halberds were weapons of war.  Someone who made halberds or who fought using a halberd was called a halberdier. 

COLORS:          Blue – truth and loyalty
                        Gold – generosity
                        Red – strength
                        Purple – royalty
                        Green -  hope, joy, loyalty in love

Symbols:          Apple – freedom, peace
                        Anchor – hope
                        Catherine wheel – one who is prepared to undergo great trials for their Christian                                                                   faith         
                        Cinquefoil – hope, joy
                        Holly leaf – truth
                        Hunting horn -  person of high and noble pursuits

Birth order:     1st – heir, one who is born to lead, trustworthy
                        2nd – one who has been enlightened, hope of glory
                        3rd – divine quality bestowed by God
                        4th – virtue and merit
                        5th - fidelity


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Legacy

Well, I haven't written for a couple of weeks.  Technical difficulties (my computer), the flu (my husband and I) and lots of company for Christmas (5 boys, 1 fiancee, 2 in-laws, 2 friends) have kept me away.  But what fun we had! (All except for the flu!)  We exchange homemade gifts each year.  This year I was excited to present to the men of the family t-shirts that I had painted with a family crest.  Because "Halydier" is a 4th generation name with my boys, I got to research and design the crest.  It included halberds (mean looking spear like weapons), a cross, an anchor, a Catherine wheel, an apple, an ivy leaf, a cinquefoil (a 5 pointed flower), and a hunting horn.  Each had a significant meaning behind them and each were meant to encourage the next generation to live a life of faith and trust, of joy and hope in Christ Jesus!  They were recieved with enthusiam and I got some great pictures!  (Because I am on a borrowed computer, I can't include it today, but will try to get it on here tomorrow!)

The boys outdid themsleves with woven leather bracelets, leather knife holders, leather cup holders, wood coasters, boxes with pictures and shadow boxes with pictures and sayings, and cool bottles filled with trail mix.  Nana and Pa put together photo books of their lives to help the boys see them as real people not just old folks!  (That was their words!)  We also exchanged Goodwill gifts that have to be bought at a second hand store with the recipient in mind.  My favorite was a giant plastic cholcolate kiss that opened up to songs abut kisses to display a bowl full of our favorite candy. 

Over and over throughout the week, we were reminded that we are passing on a legacy to our boys.  I want that to be a legacy of faith and trust in Jesus, love and laughter with Mom and Dad, and relationships that will last a lifetime into eternity.  We tend to think of legacies as land and money and reputation and possessions.  Paul lists all of his earhtly assets and recommendations but then proclaims that, "...whatever things were gain to me, those things i have counted as loss for the sake of Christ." (Philippians 3:7).  I, too, want to claim and pass on a legacy of truth and joy in Christ rather than earthly possessions. 

Nathan, our second born, made shadow boxes with pictures in them.  In the one to my husband and I he included a picture of the five boys with these words: "To be a Halydier means to hold honesty and integrity in high regard adn to live with passion in pursuit of dreams, inspiring others just as we have been inspired.  thank you for such an incredible legacy."  I think he got it! 

What about you?  what legacy are you passing on?