Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Joy, Joy, Joy!

I am studying joy, so I thought I would pass onto you what I am learning.  Joy is a great way to start of a new year!

“…and rejoiced because God had given them great joy.”
Nehemiah 12:43

Over and over again in the Old Testament, I am finding that it is God who gives joy or who causes someone to rejoice.  Psalm 16:11 says, “You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy.  In Your right hand are pleasures forever.”  So, if it is joy that you are seeking and it seems elusive, spend time with God.  In His presence is great joy in spite of the circumstances of your life at any given moment.  I have found this to be true in my life.  If I need joy, I begin with praise and enter into God’s presence and there I find joy and peace.  Just by remembering our position in Christ (as beloved sons and daughters of the king) and how big our God is and His eternal perspective can bring me around to joy in the midst.
Happiness is an emotion that ebbs and flows with our circumstances and emotions.  Joy is a settled peace and contentment that we can rely on no matter the circumstances.  Joy comes form God and from spending time with God.  Joy is found in knowing that I am loved by God because I am His, not because of my performance or how I look or what others think.  But I must choose to enter into this joy by entering into relationship and fellowship with God.  Have you lost your joy?  Are the worries of the day overwhelming you?  Start with praise and sit on your Father's lap and be still with Him.  He will renew your joy in spite of your circumstances.  
Garrett, our oldest, is still here and will be until January 6.  Then he returns to Hawaii.  He is busy working and doing school work as he is on a moot court team and is an editor for the law review, but it is nice having him here to talk to.  He is such a joy!
My new book is at the editors and the cover art is being finished even as we speak!  I am really excited about this book and hope that it encourages many.  It is called, "As They Sit and Stand: A Guide to Teaching Your Child the Bible from Birth through College." 
I am being interviewed for the homeschool leadercast on Thursday about this new book. I am excited about this, too. 

Monday, December 30, 2013

Family background

“Forever, O Lord,
Your word Is settled in heaven.”
Psalm 119:89

Line up your priorities for 2014 with the verse above and have a great year!

Those who have been coming regularly to my blog know that I usually include a Bible verse and commentary.  I am going to try to be more personable in 2014.  This will include thoughts and emotions and the goings on of the Halydier clan.  So let me introduce my family to you.

Tracy is the head honcho.  He is an administrator for a civil engineering team in Houston, TX but works out of an office in our little West Texas town. He is an amazing father, has a servant's heart and is my best friend of 28 years.

Garrett is our oldest.  He is in Hawaii in law school.  He has a Master's degree in international business as well.  He is also co-owner of a marketing business with his brother Nathan.  Garrett loves doing research, writing, and online gaming.

Nathan is the other half of the Paramarketing Firm.  He is the creative hands-on owner over graphics, sales, and office management.  He lives in South Carolina.  Nathan is a people person and loves doing - anything!  He loves water sports, sightseeing, travel, board games, etc...

Aaron is married to Hannah and they work in Austin, TX.  Aaron is a sales rep for his older brothers.  He has a degree in animal science and grassland management.  He loves animals, lifting weights, crafts with leather and wood, and good food.

Ethan is married to Eighmy and is about to become a first time dad. (Our first grandchild!)  He works for his dad and is training to become an IT techie.  He is in college at Howard Payne University in Brownwood, TX.

Lucas is in Killeen, TX at Central Texas College.  He is studying aviation and wants to be a missionary pilot.  His roommate, Holley is from Saipan and we claim him as one of ours also.

Dara (that's me!) is a mom.  I iron, do dishes, make meals, etc... I also try to get some writing into my days.  I speak at women's retreats and conferences all over America and love it!  I am looking forward to being a grandma.  Especially the spoil them and send them home kind!

Keeping up with grown children is almost as hard as when they were little.  That takes up a lot of time.  Tracy and I also enjoy traveling, and RVing.  I have spina bifida which does not leave me in a wheel chair, but I deal with chronic pain and medications.  Our dog, Jack, a Golden Retriever, keeps me walking!  He and I try to do a mile each day.  The doctors are predicting two surgeries this next year, but I am lifting weights and walking trying to put them off as long as possible. 

Well, that's all for now.  I hope that you join us on this journey of 2014 and that you will grow closer to God and more at peace throughout the year.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

No Doubt!

“But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God…
But he must ask in faith without any doubting,
for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind.
 For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord
being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.”
James 1:5a-8

James continues to challenge our faith.  The key to this verse is God’s sovereignty.  We are to ask knowing that God is able and that He hears our prayers and knows our hearts.  We are to ask without doubting that God is able and that He wants what is best for us.  When the answer is “Yes” , we rejoice.  When the answer is “Wait” , we wait with expectation and joy.  When the answer is “No”, we worship.  That’s right.  We worship God because we know that He has our backs and that He will not allow evil to overtake us.  His “No” is His protection and provision.  Even when it hurts! 

Sometimes God answers “Yes” and we don’t expect that to be the answer and then we also worship a Father that loves us.  Never doubt God.  Doubt your request or the circumstances, but never doubt God.  He is able and willing to reach down into the lives of men and intervene for His children.  Read books about godly people and you will see God’s ready hand – Corrie Ten Boom, George Mueller, etc…  Their prayers were not always for themselves, but for others and they were living a life in the presence of God, so they knew what to ask for.  When God said “No”, they worshipped.

Trust God, not just what you want God to do for you.


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Wisdom from God

“But if any of you lacks wisdom,
let him ask of God,
who gives to all generously and without reproach,
and it will be given to him.”
James 1:5

This is a promise in the word of God and yet sometimes, I don’t feel like God does give me wisdom when I ask then I go ahead on my own and make a decision – good, bad, or ugly.  So what does it mean?  First of all we know that Jesus is the personification of wisdom.  So first we need to be sure that we have Jesus as our Savior and Lord.  Then we need to make sure that our relationship with Jesus is open and growing through confession and praise and prayer.  Secondly, Jesus is the Word of God, so we must know what God’s word says.  There are some things we don’t have to ask for wisdom about because God has already made it very clear that we are to do that thing (pray for our enemies, forgive others, do good deeds, etclll) or not to do that thing (adultery, fornication - living together out of wedlock), lying, etc… ).  If we need wisdom about an act or an issue, we must first turn to Jesus, then to His word.  If we are still not sure, we should seek the counsel of others who have gone that way before us.  “Where there is no guidance, the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.” (prov. 11:14).  These should be godly men and women whose lives are consistent with the Word of God.

Wisdom comes when we ask God through

1.       Jesus
      2.       The Word of God
      3.       Godly counselors

If you ask for wisdom and still feel that you are not sure what to do then the answer is “Wait.”  It may be the right action, but the wrong timing.  God makes all things beautiful in His time.  So wait for His timing and you will see His hand. 

There was a time when Nathan was reading the Lord of Rings as a school assignment.  I felt a real tug from the Spirit to ask him to put it aside for a time.  I don’t know why.  But he did.  A few weeks later, I felt God saying that it was okay now for him to finish reading it.  Why?  I don’t know.  Maybe it was a lesson in obedience or there may be a deeper spiritual reason that we will never know.  But follow the Holy Spirit’s urgings in your spirit.

     4.       The Holy Spirit

If anyone lacks wisdom let him ask for it.  God will give you the way.  He promises!


Monday, December 9, 2013

Know then Serve

“As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father,
and serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind;
for the Lord searches all hearts, and understands every intent of the thoughts.
 If you seek Him, He will let you find Him;
but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever.”
1 Chronicles 28:9
David is speaking here to Solomon about building a temple for the Lord God.  But his admonition to his son is so much greater.  It consumes all of life.  I think it is interesting that David tells Solomon to first know the God of your father, then serve Him.  Many Christian churches teach tradition and service and never lead their people to knowing their God first.  Serving without the Lord is futile.  It gains you nothing, for our best is as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6).  Spend time at Jesus’ feet, then He will equip you and lead you into service.  Jumping into service first leaves you no time to just know God.  How do you learn to know God?  Read His word, pray, ask, seek, pray for a mentor or for a church or small group that will challenge you.  Spend time in worship and praise.  Know God and find joy and then you will be able to serve with your whole heart and a willing mind.