Tuesday, February 28, 2012


"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come." (2 Cor. 5:17)

On what do you gauge your self worth?  Is it your performance, your looks, others' opinions, or God's Word.  God says that we are a new creature!  Part of the Christian walk is to find out what theis new creature looks like and what God says about it.  A great Bible study to do is to go through the New Testament and write down all the adjectives that describe you as a new creature.  Some of these are: child of God, beloved, alive in Christ, forgiven, God's workmanship, etc... 

I made a chart of the characteristices of the Old nature and the new nature with a line down the center of my paper separating the two.  It was amazing!  The old nature is full of shame, condemned, and dead to the things of God.  But , in contrast, the new nature is a beautiful creature, righteous before God.

As a Christian, I get to choose each day how I am going to walk.  I can choose to believe Satan's lies that I am still that old, pathetic creature, or I can choose the truth of God's Word and know that I am His beloved princess.  I may not always feel like a princess or act like a princess, but the truth still remains, I am a princess!!!

God loves me just because I am His!  I don't have to earn it, be good enough, do enough tasks, I just need to believe that God told me the truth and that I am His!!!  When we get this - I mean really get this, then our self-esteem will soar!  We are children of the King of Kings!  We are worthy of His love because we are His!

Hint for the day: Your precious children are also sons and daughters of the King if they have asked Jesus into their hearts.  You can prepare them for salvation or, if they are saved, help them to know what God thinks about them by helping them to develop a healthy self-esteem by building them up with words of affirmation based on who they are not always on what they do.  It is okay to praise them for a job well done, but it is even better to remind them several times throughout the day how much they mean to you, how precious they are, and that you are glad that they are yours!  When they are filled up with feeling worthy and loved, then they will handle the discipline of actions better.  Remember when you discipline that your child is not "Bad", but rather, they chose to do a "Bad thing".  There is a big difference.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Walking not finishing a list

A friend called this morning and is going through a tough time.  She made the statement, "I wish God would just text me what to do!"  I have felt like that many times as a woman, a wife, a mother, and a friend.  We have 5 boys.  They all have processing issues and learning disabilities.  But, of course, none of them are the same!  There were many days when I didn't know how to help them.  I questioned our choice to homeschool.  I questioned our parenting approach, our curriculum, our ability to love them and get them through.  But I learned not to question God!  He grew me and the boys as we researched, tried new things, and laughed and cried together.  That was the making of relationship so much deeper than if God had just laid it all out to me and had told me to do 1, 2, 3. The journey allowed me to know how to encourage others as well.

Watchman Nee has a wonderful book called, "Sit, Walk, Stand."  It is a journey through Ephesians.  He explains how chapters 1-3 of Ephesians is about our position in heaven in Jesus.  He says that we must learn to sit at Jesus' feet before we are ready to walk the Christian walk. 2:6, "...and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus..."

Chapters 4-6:9 teach us how to walk.  4:1 "Therefore, I...implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called..." 5:1-2, "Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ..." We must learn to walk before we are ready to stand against the devil in Ephesians 6:10 et al. "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil."

 I sometimes get the order all mixed up!  I want to walk victoriously, but failed to sit at God's feet and spend time with Him first.  I want to stand against satan, but have not been disciplined in my walk.  I wish God would just text me the answer.  But we would miss out on the joy of the journey of relationship with our God.  We have the amazing privilege to be able to go before the throne of God with boldness, to call upon Him, to pray to Him, to hear from Him, to be comforted by our Savior. 

Forgive me Lord, when I take that for granted, ignore the privilege and then demand the rights. Help me to be still and know that you are God, then help me to walk daily, minute by minute with You, that You might give me the strength to stand. 

Hint for the day: Younger children need opportunities to train across the brain.  We all tend to use one side of the brain more heavily than the other. (Right brain is creative and emotional; left side is logical). This is why it is so important to make sure that your little achiever crawls before they walk.  It is not only physical training, but brain training! 
Some great activities to train the brain to go from one side to the other include getting a bucket of water and house paint brushes and let the kids "paint" the house making sure they use broad strokes that go from one their far right to the far left and back.  As their eyes track their hands, they are going across the ''Great Divide" in the brain.  Coloring, hand painting, etc. on very large sheets of paper from corner to corner or side to side is good as well.  Large motor skill writing in the sand, or playing with pudding on a cookie sheet, or watching a ball go back and forth without moving the head all cross train the brain.
This is all important pre-reading training.  When the eyes can track left to right and the brain can shift from side to side the child will be better able to track lines of text and not lose their place.  They will also be able to connect emotions to situations.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Our Journey

I am so excited!  We had 21 boxes of books delivered to our door a few days ago!  That's a lot of books!  Now we wait upon our God to give us opportunity to sell them!  What a mighty God we serve!  I originally responded to God's prompt to write a book about 8 years ago.  We lived in a state where we felt it was best to school under a private school.  By doing so, we were required to offer the courses that they deemed necessary, although we had the right to choose the curriculum.  They required a class in "Life Management" and recommended the only curriculum on the market at that time.  We were very disappointed when we previewed this curriculum.  It threw in a few Bible verses but was not grounded in the Word of God.  It taught the names of the street drugs.  Not what I think of when I think of life management!  So, we tore into Proverbs.  My oldest was 16.  We had posters on the wall comparing and contrasting the characteristics and results of wisdom and foolishness, posters with Bible memory verses, daily readings and discussions, matching cards to match the first part of verses with the second, and we also took current events and held them up to Scripture.

I remember one time we were reading Proberbs 8:36: "But he who sins against me injures himself; All those who hate me love death."  In the newspaper that morning there was an article about a well- known basketball player who opened a restaurant and showed up for the grand opening in a coffin.  His lifestyle was one of rebellion.  We began to look around at the culture of death that we live in.  We compared life and light and the joy we have in Jesus to what we saw around us.  We have choice!!!  I choose life!

I began to write down the curriculum.  There were days, weeks, months, where I layed it down because life was happening.  Usually, God had lessons that I needed to learn before I could keep writing.  Sometimes it was a matter of choosing to be obedient even when I felt inadequate or lazy!  Seven years later, Practical Proverbs rolled off the presses!  We went to homeschool conventions all across the nation this last year (20,000 miles!) and were well recieved, but many requested a book for younger students.  We are glad to announce that our Practical Proverbs for Younger Students is now available!  This book is geared to 5th -8th graders.  Both books are also now available in NAS and KJV.  That was truly a work of the Lord!

We are looking at attending 20 conferences this year, starting in a couple of weeks.  We are so excited!  God has opened up many speaking opportunities and we are launching a mentoring service.  Someone can call and set up a session on phone or skype.  I can't wait to see what wonderful things God does this spring and summer!  I look forward, most of all, to  the chance to meet great people, pray with them, and to share God's love and grace with them.

Hint for the Day: Younger children don't really understand time, especially longer lengths of time.  If a parent is going to be away from the house for a couple of days, it is helpful for the child to have some way to count down the days until the parent returns.  A calendar where they can mark off days is good.  You can make it part of your morning or bedtime prayer time and pray for the parent that is away.  A friend of ours in VA was going to be away from his kids for several weeks.  The kids got to mark the calendar days off with marker, and each Saturday they got to open a gift from dad!  They kept these small tokens wrapped and in a basket in the kitchen.  As the kids saw the pile dwindle, they knew it was getting closer for dad's return!
 My husband used to travel quite a bit.  If he left in the morning before the boys woke up, he would decorate paper plates with funny faces for their breakfast.  If it was going to be a long trip, he would often put together a scavenger hunt for us to figure out.  We had fun, called Dad for clues, and enjoyed the prize at the end - sometimes a token, sometimes a promise of a fun outing when dad got home!


Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Holy Spirit

I don't know about you, but as I read the Old Testament, I can sure be judgmental.  If I was an Israelite back in the time of the Exodus, the timeof Jeremiah, etc., I would have been true to God!!!  But God reminded me this morning that we have a new covenant that these people did not have.  We have the Holy Spirit living within us, teaching us, training us, rebuking us, and comforting us.  We can have a relationship with God, they could not.  They stood afar off from Mt. Sinai as God spoke to Moses.  They had to go to the temple to offer sacrifices. 

Yes, the reward of their obedience was more tangible and more immediate - good land, good crops, material prosperity and peace.  But our reward is eternal and spiritually fulfilling.  We can have peace in our hearts in the midst of circumstantial chaos!!  We can talk to God, go before His throne, dance at His feet, know His presence, His comfort, His amazing love!!!  Jesus promised that in this life we would have trouble and tribulation, but that He would be with us through it.  Before you judge the Israelites too harshly, remember that we are so blessed to have the Holy Spirit living in us!!!  Don't take the Holy spirit for granted, make sure you work on that relationship and go before God and praise His Holy name.

Hint for the Day: I have a list for my chores (not just the kids!)  Laundry on Monday, ironing on Tuesday, floors on Wednesday, dusting on Thursday, pickup on Friday, bathrooms on Saturday.  True, I have to throw a load of laundry in just about every day, but when I do the bulk of it on Monday, the rest of the week is easy!!  By having a list, there is no guilt.  When the task is done, the rest of the time is for everything else.  This way I know it will all get done eventually.  (I often skip the Thursday dusting for a week or so - not my favorite thing!!)  When unexpected company drops by, I am not too embarrassed!  I asked my husband early in our marriage what needed to be done for him to feel comfortable.  He replied that if the dishes were done and the bed was made, he was fine.  I can do that !!!  And usually a whole lot more.  By giving myself a schedule that has lower expectations, I can meet them and do even more!  Kind of like extra credit on a test!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Our God is compassionate

Deuteronomy 4:29,31 "But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul...For the LORD your God is a compassionate God; He will not fail you nor destroy you nor forge the covenant with your fathers which He swore to them."

So often I hear that the God of the Old Testament was such a judging God.  But if you truly read the OT, you will see instead a God of compassion, love, and patience.  He is a Father God and wants the best for His children.  He provided the best for the Israelites, but they had to choose to go in and take it.  Instead they chose the way of the nations around them.  God knew that there was so much more - a relationship with Him!!!  So, God punished the Israelites again and again, not in judgment, but in love that they might turn back to Him and know abundant life.  Finally, God had to turn on the tough love and banish them from their land into Babylon.  Again, that they might seek Him and eternal life.  Even through Jeremiah, the prophet of the time, God tells the Israelites that this will be only for a time.  He has a better plan for them.  He will be with them in the midst, He will restore them to their land, and He will send a Redeemer. (Chapter 33)  This does not sound like anger and judgment, but rather of concern and love.

I met a man yesterday who ws at the end of his rope.  He was a Christian, but did not know the love of God, the forgiveness of Christ.  He knew about them, but didn't really understand the depth of them for Him.  Our God is compassionate.  He cares to the core of His being.  Seek Him, go deeper, hang on to His promises; He will hear and listen and answer.  He loves you.

 I learned recently that when the word "Lord" is all capitals in the KJV or NAS that it is translated from the Word Adoni which is the name for God that relays relationship and Fatherhood.  If your child goes astray, your heart cries for him/her to return to you.  You might have to punish them to get them to listen, but your punishment is from love.  God is a compassionate Father.  It matters not what you have done, but rather what you will do.  Will you choose Him today?  Don't just believe that He is Who He says He is, but that He will do what He says He will do in your life, and that He loves you: upfront and personal.  You are His bleoved child.

Hint for Today: Learn your spouse's and childrens' love languages.  Read The 5 Love Languages.  This book helped me to know how to better love and convey that love to my family daily, in discipline, and in joy.  My husband's love language is service.  When I do something very small for him, he notices and feels love.  My love language is words of affirmation, when my husband does the dishes for me, it doesn't speak love to me at all, but I learned that that was his way of expressing his love.  I receive that from him and feel loved.  I also tell him that I need the words of affirmation and he is learning to give those more generously!  Some of my children need touch, some time, some gifts, some words, and some service.  By knowing how they receive and give love, we can communicate even better.  God also knows your love language and will communicate with you that way.  Watch for Him.  Search for Him with all your hear; He will answer!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


The boys and I finished Fahrenheit 451 yesterday.  It was a strange book, but really good.  It made us think and discuss.  It was written against censorship and for free speech.  But our conversation took us more towards personal responsibility and filtering what comes into our home. 

Psalm 101:3 says, "I will set no worthless thing before my eyes, I hate the work of those who fall away; It shall no fasten its grip on me." 

As individuals and as a family, we have chosen to censor the things that come into our home via television, music choices, internet, etc.  We do not forbid these forms of expression, but we filter what we allow into our home.  Television is used for DVD's and good movies.  It does not come on before 7:00 at night and usually not until 8 or 9.  We do use Netflix, but we have it set to PG-13 and below only and even then, all shows must  be passed by Mom and Dad.  It is our responsibility and right to  guard our children's hearts and minds.  Theater movies are checked out on "Plugged In" by Focus on the Family.  We encourage only the reading of godly books, or books that we can discuss and hold up against Scripture.  Music and its musicians must be godly and praiseworthy.  Internet is for research.  Our teenagers do have facebook, but it as well as texts are monitored by Mom and Dad.  Mostly, we trust our kids at this stage of the game (almost 18) to be godly in all forms of communication. 

We have taught and are teaching our children to be discerning, not because of legalism, but because we want to glorify God in all things.  That starts with guarding our hearts and minds.

Proverbs 4:16 says, "Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life."

Godly living begins with godly input.  The day should begin and end with Scripture and there should be a heavy dose in the middle!  Praise and prayer throughout each day will keep your mind on Jesus.

Check out Philippians 4:8.

Hint for the Day: For younger children, "NO" is the best answer.  For older children, instead of "You can't"  try "Why do you think you shouldn't?"  This will give them the ability to begin to ask those questions and discern for themselves what they will do before their God.

Monday, February 20, 2012


It's a Monday!!  I was behind before my feet even hit the floor this morning at 6:30.  My lists are long, the needs are many, and I can't do it all!  I feel inadequacy bending me over.  But God reminds me, "Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, our adequacy is from God." ( 2 Corinthians 3:5)  At which point, I fall to my knees and cry out, "Help!"  I pick up my Bible, remind myself that the Creator God of the Universe is in control, on His throne, and loves me (even me!)
I ask Him to plan my day, lead my way, and help me to do it with a smile. 

Is everything perfect from there?  Well, no.  I am human!  I grump at my husband when he comes through the door with another demand (more like a reminder of things not yet done - inadequacy yells!)  I rush through school with the twins, and then, RELIEF, great relief, the actiity that was to take up most of the afternoon has been cancelled!  God does hear my cry!!!  I take a breath, apologize to my husband, sit down and read to the boys.

Inadequate?  You bet!  But my God is adequate for all stresses, all days, all demands, and He makes me adequate for His work for each day.  Thank you Lord that You know me, my frustrations, my bounds, my inadequacies, and that You provide by being my completeness.  I will trust in You this day.

Hint for Today:  Do the next thing next.  When you are overwhelmed, depressed, tired, unable, don't look at the whole just do the next thing next.  When our kids are faced with a large, overwhelming task we ask them, "How do you eat an elephant?"  The answer: "One bite at a time!"  Take the next step, finish the next task, and take time to praise God in the midst. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Are You Listening?

I can't decide what to write today.  As I thumb through Scripture, I feel as if I am standing in front of a fire hydrant!  There is so much.  So much Love.  So much truth.  So much instruction.  So much God!

I have highlighted through much of Scripture the words that tell of God's character, so these words catch my eye.  He is gentle and kind, His thoughts and ways are higher than my thoughts and ways, His righteousness upholds Him, He hears when we call, He will accomplish that which He desires. He has with us a covenant of peace.  We have a futrue and a hope.  He is the Redeemer, the Holy One.He has great compassion.  We will not be put to shame.  He is our husband. The list is endless. God is there.  He loves us and wants to be in relationship with us. 

So often I set my eyes on the things of this world, the troubles, the frustrations, the busyness, the doubts. Where my thoughts go, so go I!! I choose this day to think upon God's Word, His promises, His love.  I will dwell on praise to our God.  I will sing unto Him.  I will trust Him and be content to allow Him to be Lord over all of my life.  Okay, I may worry a little about what ot fix for dinner, but I will be thankful that I have a choice!

Practical Hint for the day:  Waking up and deciding what to make for breakfast day in and day out can be frustrating.  My husband works from home and doesn't like cold cereal.  Boys are off to classes early.  Mom is not too awake.  So I made a list:  Oatmeal on Monday, french toast on Tuesday; scrambled eggs on Wednesday, pancakes on thursday, fried eggs on Friday, breakfast burritos on Saturday, and omelets on Sunday.  I can do that!  But lists are not my master and I can change things up if I am in a rare mood for the exotic or in a dull mood for more oatmeal!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

In the midst 2 (too!)

It is definitely an "In the midst day"!  It is one of those days where just getting out of bed is a chore.  The weather is cold, and my body does not like cold weather!  I woke up at 5:00 in severe pain after spending hours earlier in the night fighting a stomachache from the medicines.  Finally, took more medicine at 6:30, and am again fighting a nauseous stomach.  Yuck!  But, my day will not be based on feelings (physical or emotional), but rather on God's promises.

I am fused five levels in my lower back.  The latest report said no more swimming.  Swimming was flairing everything up!  My tendency is to think that every day forward will be like today.  I can get into a pattern of thinking and praying, "God, I can't do this everyday for the rest of my life or for 20 more years or for another week!"  But, God is faithful and true.  He only promises us the moment.  He is Lord of the future as well as the past and the present and I will choose to live in the moment.  He reminds me of Matthew 6:34 "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own."

God told Moses that His name is, "I am".  That is in the present.  Not "I was", or "I will be".  He is enough now in the present and I will praise Him for every breath, for every step, and for every opportunity to serve my family and Him.

Choose with me today to look to Him for all comfort, to praise Him with all your heart, and to live to find joy in each moment.

A friend said that my blog needed to have some practical advice for women.  So here is the Practical advice for today:  Whether there be one in  your family or ten, glasses tend to pile up at the sink.  Buy a clorful, fun, plastic placemat and label different pictures or draw circles and label the circles with the names of each family member.  Set it next to the sink.  Each morning put a glass on each spot.  That is their glass for the day.  When not in use it is to be placed on the mat.  Voila!  Not nearly as many glasses will appear in your sink to be washed!  We have an extra spot or two for visitors. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

In the midst

Our God is so good; so faithful and true.

I love the word "but" throughout Scripture.  Over and over again in Psalms we see David crying out to God, feeling that God has left Him, or that the situation is dire and then we see the "but".  But God...

I found it in Isaiah 64:8 yesterday.  Isaiah confesses the sins of his people in verses 6-7, "There is no one who calls on Your name...For you have hidden your face from us..."  Then verse 8 "But now, O LORD, You are our Father,We are the clay, and You our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand."  Essentially, Isaiah is saying, "Even though we messed up and can't be good, You are our Father.  You love us with a Father's love.  Your love is covenantal and committed.  Therefore, I submit to your molding, your making, your training.  I trust You, God, in the midst."

I read in Jeremiah this morning about God telling Jeremiah to tell His people that they are to go into the land of Babylon and build houses, and plant, and give their sons and daughters in marriage.  God tells them that He has a plan and a purpose for this time, for this heartache.  He would be there in their midst and bless the land where He put them.  The Israelites are in grief over the loss of their land, the uprooting of their families, the hardship of the journey, the loss of their temple and, therefore, their heritage and manner of worship.  All things familiar has been stripped away.  But God is there.  He tells them to seek Him and He would be found...in the midst. (Jeremiah 29)

Are you in the midst?  The midst of troubles, sin, sickness, grief, change, or loss?  God is there.  Pslam 94:19 says, "When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul."  God is there. Think on the circumstances, but know that God is in the midst and He will never leave you nor forsake you. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Today we think of love.  I love my boys. I gave gift certificates for Dairy Queen and the local yogurt shop to the boys in their cards.  I included a colorful plastic spoon to eat it with!!  I love my husband; I gave him a card with our special saying and signed with my private nickname that he gave me 27 years ago!  Love is giving.  How do I know?  "God so loved the world that He gave..."  What did He give?  He gave that which was most precious to Him - His Son.  Love is giving sacrificially and covenantly. Jesus's death initiated a new covenant between God and those who would believe - a covenant based on love and forgiveness, not on law and judgment!!

Love is not an emotion changing with every thought and deed, but rather it is commitment, covenant, and sacrifice. There are times that I don't really like what one of my boys or husband does, but that does not change my love.  Love is forever - unconditional.  God is love. (1 John 4:16) If you want to understand love - seek God!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Grace and holy living

I have been thinking about the balance between grace and holy living lately.  Does grace erase holy living or holy living usurp grace? As Paul would say, "May it never be!"  So God gave me a word picture.  When we accept Christ as Savior we are a new creation.  We are able to soar above life's circumstances.  Holy living is the experience of a trapeze artist.  Each choice is a strong hold on the bar. We swing effortlessly from bar to bar as long as we are making holy and right choices. 

Grace comes into play when we mess up - there is a net below!!  We do not fall on hard tile, never to get back up again.  Grace provides a net, because God knows that we are but dust (Psalm 103). 
With that picture in mind, read Psalm 37:23-24: "The steps of a man are established by the LORD, and He delights in his way.  When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong, Because the LORD is the One who holds his hand." Jesus is our net!!

Grace is the beginning of our relationship with God, but it also sustains us in that relationship. Without grace, holy living is legalism and we find ourselves on the hard tile with no hope of soaring in the joy and freedom that God created us for.

As a parent, you get to be that example of holy living and grace to your children.  Lead them to the cross, teach them to soar with a spirit of praise and as an example of holy living, but be that net of grace, of protection and mercy and forgiveness and love when they fall.  When they experience this as children, they will be able to rest and trust in their God as adults.