Monday, December 26, 2011

Transitions are tough!!

October 18, 2011 06:50

We are going through the mid-life transition as we approach empty nest. With the twins dual enrolling at the local community college for two classes, my teaching load has been greatly reduced. I find myself struggling with wanting to just be a mom (laundry, meals, cleaning, etc.) and running a ministry that requires several hours a day. But, it beats not knowing what I am going to do when they leave! Most of all, I am having to trust God on another level for the day to day. The pain and tiredness of the fibromyalgia and back fusions only complicate things. But God has promised that He will go with us through it all! I am so glad. With that hope, I can get from day to day. I find my joy in the little things: kids laughing, roses blooming, dogs playing, coca-cola (only occassionally!), chocolate (more than I should!), and conversation. There is joy in the presence of God and I am working on practicing the presence of God all day long!
For those of you with kids going into high school, just hang in there! When they hit about age 22, they learn that Mom and Dad did know something after all!! Grown children are such a joy! But I do know why God gives them to us as cute little, helpless infant. He wants usto fall in love with them so that we don't kill them when they are teenagers!! Not really, we have been blessed with amazing teenagers! It was easier before they had their own opinions on everything, but there is also joy in seeing them become individuals with unique thoughts and ideas, dreams and plans. So hang in there, stay up late when they want to talk at midnight (you can sleep later), stop whatever you are doing when they want to talk, period! Take each moment and each opportunity to listen, share, pray and love. Don't forget to have fun with your teenagers. Even a Dairy Queen blizzard can become a cherished memory.

Answer Key

September 30, 2011 07:08
We are currently editting an answer key for Practical Proverbs. Not everyone will need this, but I can imagine how helpful it could be for a busy mom with several children!! The answer key will be available at our online store at:

Old Schoolhouse Magazine Review

September 30, 2011 07:04

I was really excited to get the review for Practical Proverbs from The Old Schoolhouse magazine. They will post it permanantly on their site! I understood and agree with the comments made. I feel honored and humbled to have gotten such a good review.
Check it out:

Tracy's birthday

September 20, 2011 11:04

Today is my sweet husband's birthday. He is such a joy in my life. We have been married 26 years - yes girls, that's possible!! And each year gets sweeter and sweeter as we grow closer. We are at a strange phase of life. After raising 5 boys, we are in our last year of homeschooling. The boys are doing well and bless us daily and we have time to spend on other pursuits. (Thus, blogging!!) I was thinking about love earlier as I was writing a chapter for the Practical Proverbs for Younger Children workbook. Love is really duty and commitment. The feelings keep us going and motivated at times, but they come and go. God so loved He gave... that was the ultimate sacrifice and commitment and should be our example. I so love that I gave up a career and selfish living to homeschool. There were days that I soared on feelings of love and greatness. But more often I prayed for grace to get through the next hour!! The commitment definitely outweighed the feelings!! My husband so loved that he is passing by career opportunities now that he might be available to me to get Abiding truth Ministry up and running! Tracy has shown his love with flowers and kisses, but also with shaving my legs after I had had back surgery, and sitting with me for hours in the hospital after another back surgery. He looked past the messy house at times and loved me anyway. We laugh together, cry together, pray together, talk together, and love together. I am so glad that God saw my need and gave me Tracy!!
For those of you with teenagers: Teach them that in a marriage relationship that 1/2 + 1/2 does not equal a whole, but rather a whole + a whole equals a greater whole! That just means that each person needs to be complete within their own relationship with Christ and with themselves before they try and find a partner and that partner needs to be whole in Christ and themselves as well. If one person is needy and the other is always there to meet that neediness, it is a lopsided relationship!

Intro to our family

September 15, 2011 09:45

I live in San angelo, TX. Sometimes it seems like the end of the world, but really it is a great town in the middle of nowhere!! It is central to all the wonderful places that we got to travel to this past summer for homeschool conventions, but most of all it contains some of the most loved people in my life. My husband, Tracy, is of course my first love (Other than Jesus!). Tracy works at home for an engineering firm out of Houston. Together we love to garage sale, travel, watch old tv series, and do the day to day living of life.
Then there are Ethan, Lucas, and Aaron who still all reside at home. Aaron is 20 and in his senior year at ASU studying animal science and rangeland management. He is into weight lifting and nutrition as well as bull riding, leather working, and hunting. He is a joy and keeps us on our toes!! Ethan and Lucas are seniors in homeschool high school. They are dually enrolled in two classes at a local junior college. We still hit Physics, Spanish, Bible, writing, and Government at the kitchen table!! They work at Chik-fil-A and play in the worship band at church. Lucas also is involved in Civil Air Patrol and is working on getting enough hours in the air for his pilot's license. Basketball starts for them in a couple of weeks.
Our two grown and flown boys are Garrett and Nathan. We are proud of the life choices that they continue to make our on their own. Garrett is in law school in Hawaii. He also works for the lawyers at the University of Hawaii. In his spare time he snorkels, hikes, surfs, and co-teaches a Bible study. Nathan is a graphic artist and part-time youth director in SC. He also loves sports, especially water sports, and hanging out with friends. He is an amazing musician as well.
My in-laws also live in San Angelo and even though they are fairly housebound, they radiate with God's love and joy. They always inspire us and encourage us.
Then there are Jack and Sassy! Jack is a golden retriever. He seemed bored by himself so we got him a weimeramer puppy! They are hilarious especially when the sprinklers are on!! They chase and play and nap together while we watch and laugh.
That's my family. I feel so blessed to have raised and been allowed to stay home and school our boys. I think back to all the great memories and feel sorry for working moms who only get a couple of hours a day with their kids. Sure there were times that I wanted a career or just some peace and quiet, but no regrets as I look back on our 21 years of homeschooling and raising a family. Our God is good!!

Getting started

September 13, 2011 10:02
I am finding myself very frustrated with trying to understand and get started blogging. I know that I have been pulled kicking and screaming into the technology of the 21st century. But, I am a fairly intelligent person, at least average, and it seems to be beyond me!! I was so relieved to finally get to this page and figure out how to post!! Now that that is done, we can get going. At least until I sleep tonight. In the morning I may have to start all over again! I think that comes with being over 40!!
Just word to let you know who we are. We are speakers and writers that want to teach and train God's children with the Word of God, giving them practical applications to their actions, thought lives, relationships, etc. Oh, that all may know the glorious joy and peace found in Christ Jesus. And so many Christians never learn to abide in His love or His Word or His comfort. It is partially a lack of training and teaching that keeps Christians striving for victory and falling so short. The other part is doing and practicing what we already know!! I seem to learn a lesson and then later when I need to apply it again, I have to relearn it!! Things like humility, unconditional love, forgiveness, etc. Each circumstance is different, but the same principles apply.We all need encouragement from time to time and refresher courses occassionally. I pray that this blog can give you some encouragement, a laugh or two along the way and some support. I'd love to hear from you.
