Thursday, December 20, 2012

Abiding in the Word

“Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ,
does not have God;
the one who abides in the teaching,
he has the Father and the Son.”
2 John 1:9

So we are to abide not only in the Father and in the Son, but also in their teaching, that is the word of God.  When my oldest was 3 years old, I had had a rough morning and had been impatient with him.  He put his little fists on his hips and said, “You haven’t spent time with God this morning!”  And he was right.  That was one of those days where the morning got away from me and I had neglected my time with God and in His word.  Abiding means to stay there.  Are you staying in God’s word, reading it and meditating upon it?  Are you memorizing it and singing it?  Abiding in God the Father ad Jesus the Christ is about relationship, but abiding in the Word leads us to that relationship.  If you abide in God’s word, others will notice!


Wednesday, December 19, 2012


“Because lawlessness is increased,
most people will grow cold. 
But the one who endures to the end,
he will be saved.”
Matthew 24:12

Sounds a lot like the warnings and promises in Revelation2:7, 11, 17, 26 and 3:5, 11, 12, 21.  We usually think of enduring when we think of hardships.  Jesus is telling us in Matthew that hardships will come.  But we are to endure – to hold on, to keep faithful, to trust Jesus - in the hardships.  You can begin to prepare your heart now to endure in the hard times.  Abide in the word of God, spend time in praise and adoration, develop a relationship with God.  Build a pathway of trusting Jesus and when hard times come, you will know that you can rely upon the Eternal One.  Determine in your heart that you will be faithful until the end. 

 The good news?  You don’t have to do it alone.  God will equip you (Hebrews 13:20-21) and give you grace and joy in the midst.  I read Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, and I don’t know that my faith would have held out throughout the tortures.  But they were people just like us, with the same God as us, and God allowed them to go to their deaths with dignity and grace.  And He was waiting for them on the other side, to rejoice with them, and to celebrate their homecoming.  Our hope and trust is what will get us through.  Decide now that no matter what this world will make you endure, that you will endure, and that you will be faithful unto the end.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012


“Beloved, it our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God…”
1 John 3:21

 Walk in peace and joy knowing that your heart is right before God.  If people reject you or condemn you, but you know that you have stood with God in the truth of His word, then have confidence and peace.  Often our emotions are based on our circumstances.  Instead they should be rooted in God’s love and acceptance and in our private thought life of joy and praise before our great God!  Sing praise!  Rejoice!  And abide with Jesus this holiday season.


Monday, December 17, 2012

Tough Days

But I have trusted in Your lovingkindness;
my heart shall rejoice in Your  salvation.
I will sing to the Lord,
Because He has dealt bountifully with me.
Psalm 13:5-6

 That “But” is important because just before these verses, David is feeling rejected and forgotten.  He is begging God for deliverance.  But whether or not God delivers him quickly or not, David will praise the Lord.  I have  had a tough couple of days trying to adjust to new medicine that makes me cry and gain weight.  And there is still pain.  But I will also choose to continue to praise God and wait upon Him.  He has dealt bountifully with me and He is sovereign over all.  He is good and I will sing praises to His name. 

I hope that your days are filled with joy and not feelings of doubt or depression, but when those days come, keep clinging to God and His promises.  He will be with you always!  He loves you.  You are His.  This is only light momentary affliction compared to eternity!


Friday, December 14, 2012

God's Love for You

“See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us,
that we would be called children of God;
and such we are.  For this reason the world does not know us,
because it did not know Him.”
1 John 3:1

What great love!  The Maker of the Universe, the God above all, the King of Kings, loves you!  You are His princes and princesses!!!  The love of the Father is boundless.  He loves you because you are His.  You don’t have to earn it.  You don’t have to be ashamed.  You are righteous in His eyes.  Through the blood of Christ, you have done no wrong.  He is forgiving and kind.  His love will overcome this world and everything in it – the evil, the lust of the flesh, the intents of men’s hearts.  Just wait and hope and be faithful.  You Father loves you.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


“I have not written to you because you do not know the truth
but because you do know it,
and because no lie is of the truth.”
1 John 2:21

 Whether the lie is to protect yourself, protect others, to get yourself out of an uncomfortable situation, or to avoid a consequence, lying is always wrong.  God asks us to walk in the light.  That light includes full disclosure of the truth.  It’s hard, but it is right.  Speak truth and your relationships will stay uncomplicated.  Be bold about truth and others will know where you stand.  (Be bold, but not obnoxious!)  Tell the truth in love.  Couch it in prayer.  God will be the Lord of the results and your conscience will be clear.  That is freedom!  And hopefully those around you will show grace and you will return that grace in turn.  But even if grace is not extended to you, your will still experience the freedom and right relationship with God.

 Remember John 8:32, “You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”  I have experienced this in my own life as I faced the darkness of my past.  Once I was willing to look at it all in the light of the truth, it no longer had any hold over me.  Yes, I had to confess.  Yes, it was humbling.  But so much greater was the freedom of knowing and speaking truth. 

 Lying can become a habit.  If that is something that you deal with, turn it over to the Lord asking the holy Spirit to convict you when you lie.  Then be conscious of your words and determine to speak truth.  When you mess up, repent and try again.  It takes practice to overcome any habit.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Mouth / The Heart

“For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart.”
Matthew 12:24

Another way to check and see if someone’s heart is godly.  If they have a critical spirit, a caustic mouth, a need for constant drama, or they gossip or backbite, then you want to steer clear!  Don’t be fooled, if they are nice with you, but others tell you a different story, listen!  A heart filled with Scripture and love for the Lord will speak encouragement, joy, and love.  Check your words of late.  If you fall short, spend more time with God.  Filling up your heart with the right stuff, will make the bad stuff go away!  Where there is light, darkness must flee!

Matthew goes on to say, "...I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for ir in the day of judgment.  For by your words you will be justified, and by your words youw ill be condemned." 

before you speak.  Think before it comes out of your mouth.  This is a habit that is hard for some (Me!), but it can be learned!  What words should come from a heart set on God?  A quick study through Pslams will tell you the answer: praise, words of righteousness, songs of praise, and rejoicing. Today may the words of your mouth and the meditations of your heart be acceptable in the sight of God, your Rock and your Redeemer (Psalm 19:14).

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Good Fruit

“Either make the tree good and its fruit good,
or make the tree bad and its fruit bad;
for the tree is known by its fruit.”
Matthew 12:33

 Great way to decide on friends and acquaintances!  Especially over the long haul.  We can all play good for a time, but eventually, when we are squeezed, our true nature shows itself. 


Monday, December 10, 2012

A Godly Man

“But know that the Lord has set apart the godly man for Himself;
The Lord hears when I call to Him.
Tremble and do not sin;
Meditate in your heart upon your bed, and be still.”
Psalm 4:3-4

Set apart = holy.  You were made holy and are set apart for the Lord.  You are His.  He hears your prayers.  Walk in righteousness and do not sin.  But rather think about the things of God – His works and His words, and be still.  When we are still, we will hear God.
Pretty simple directions to leading a godly life, but it takes years of practice and making it a habit.  God is there to hold up His end of the bargain.  Are you living up to your end?  If not confess, repent, and be set apart in your thoughts, words, and actions and call upon the name of the Lord.


Friday, December 7, 2012

Want Peace?

“Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord;
seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness,
through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.”
2 Peter 1:2-3

 That’s what we as humans want the most – grace and peace!  The answer?  Knowledge of God and Jesus.  When we have the true knowledge and base our lives upon that knowledge, God’s power grants us everything pertaining to life and godliness.  He can do this because of His own glory and excellence! 
Everything pertaining to life and godliness is a broad statement.  But I have found that it is true!  Yes, my basic needs are met and many of my wants, but even beyond that, He has given peace in the face of rejection, He has brought contentment in the moments of pain, He has guided us through times of despair and uncertainty.  When I am anxious, I look to God and His excellence and I am at peace to let Him rule and control!  Our God is good.  There have been times when I thought me needs were not met (especially the need for friendship) but He has drawn close and I have found the best friend ever!  Growing in godliness requires suffering.  He provides just enough to make us turn to Him, but not enough to break our spirit.  We may feel that we are being asked to trust beyond our ability, but then His Holy Spirit comes and we are made able!  He is ever near and He cares for us.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


“But God has not given us a spirit of fear,
but of love, and power, and discipline.”
2 Timothy 1:7

I will always see a three year old Garrett and a two year old Nathan marching down the hallway past the basement door in Minot, ND and chanting this verse!  It worked.  Eventually they were no longer afraid to go by that dark doorway.

Discipline seems to get most of us.  But a life of discipline – doing what is right, reading God’s word, making Godly decisions, etc…will gain you great rewards.  Rewards of peace and love and power and self-respect and a right relationship with God.  Fear will keep you from these things.  Fear is Satan’s weapon.  It is not something that a Christian should put into their arsenal!  Remove fear far from you and trust in God Almighty!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

God Cares

“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God,
that He may exalt you at the proper time,
casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.”
1 Peter 5:6-7

They that wait upon the Lord will gain new strength!  Waiting is the hardest thing that God asks us to do!  I often hear myself saying,” I don’t really care which way things go, but I want to know now so that I can adjust my life and thinking.”  God is teaching me to live one day at a time and not to borrow troubles from tomorrow.  But that takes practice and patience.  I can do it, and so can you, if we cast all your cares upon Him.  He cares for you and will take care of you in His infinite wisdom and timeless grace.  So don’t worry.  Wait with excited expectation about what God is going to accomplish in you, through you, and for you!


Monday, December 3, 2012

Job's "Pride" - God's Acceptance

“…because you have not spoken of Me what is right, as My servant Job has…and the Lord accepted Job.”
Job 42:8b-9b

 I was taught that Job did not sin, but then somewhere along the way, I heard the teaching that Job’s sin was pride.  That has been the prevalent teaching about Job for the past several years.  But we find at the beginning of Job that “In all this Job did not sin with his lips.” (Job 2:10b) and then in chapter 42 that God accepted Job without the sacrifice that He required for Job’s friends.  What this tells me is that honest questioning and arguing and even being angry with God is not a sin if our heart’s desire is truth and revelation.  Jacob wrestled with God.  Dara has wrestled with God.  I bet you have too!  But the wrestling is not sin.  Pride would come after God revealed Himself and one was to say, “Too bad, I will do it my way.  I won’t trust God.  I don’t believe Him.”  What pride that would be! 

 Jesus is still the answer.  If He is not enough, go to Him and ask Him to reveal Himself.  Be ready for a storm though.  That is how He answered Job.  God takes the tough things in life to draw us to Him.  Don’t resent the bad times, but rather use them to draw near to God.