Friday, April 6, 2012


"Praise the Lord!
For it is good to sing praises to our God. 
For it is pleasant and praise is becoming."
Psalm 147:1

What a surprise!  Eighteen years ago today our twins were born.  We did not expect twins, had never really thought about having twins, and didn't know we carried twins until the 7th month.  Surprise!  And what a joyous surprise it was! That surprise came with a lot of work, a lot of insecurity, and a lot of prayer, but also a lot of rewards!

Not all surprises are joyous at the moment.  A flood or tornado, a sickness or death, a move or loss of a friend who moved are never a pleasant surprise. But!!!  But God is in control, He loves you, has your best in His heart and mind, and we can trust Him.  Charles Spurgeon once wrote: "When you can't see God's hand, trust His heart."  Do you know the heart of God?  When you get to know Him in the good times, then you can trust Him in the surprises!

Praise God in the good times and praise God in the bad times.  That's not easy.  Okay, it is really hard! But praise brings us into His presence, reminds us of His omipotence, and comforts our hearts.  Try it.  When you are down, overwhelmed, confused, depressed, or just so-so, praise God.  Before long your spirit will lift and you will be able to lift your heart along with your voice and be able to continue your day.

Hint for the Day: Have your kids make a praise book or poster.  They can write or draw things to praise God for.  Praise is different than thanksgiving, although you can include both.  Thanksgiving is for what God does, praise is for Who God is!  One way to enter into praise is to recall the names of God.  "God, You are my Rock, my Savior, my Anchor, my Hope..." True praise is aobut God, not about us.

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