“And which of you by worrying can add a single hour to his
life’s span?” Luke 12:25
“But seek His kingdom, and these things will be added to
you.” Luke 12:31
Worry. There is a lot of things out there to worry
about! House closings, babies coming, financial needs, business
endeavors, relationships, etc… I want you to know that at one time I was
one of the world’s best worriers! I worried about it all! But then,
God began to show me that worry is not of Him. He wants us to rest and
trust. If circumstances don’t turn out the way that we want them to, then
we still trust because God has our back! He knows what is best for us
and, I believe that when we get to heaven we will become aware of all the
catastrophes that God kept us from by not giving us what we wanted.
The opposite of worry is contentment. Learning to be
content in all situations seems impossible, But once you begin to
practice contentment,, it really does bring a peace and joy beyond
So, we wait. We wait with our children for the baby to be born (now 1 1/2 weeks overdue) ; we wait for another son and his wife to sign the papers on a house closing (yesterday deadline) ; we wait with two sons for their business to become profitable. I wait for editors and formatters to finish with my latest book so it can go to press. I want it all now! But I am not going to worry about any of it. It is in God's hands and He can handle it! Until then I will take joy in the small things - walks in the rain, phone conversations with friends, fire in the fireplace, tv with my husband, so much that I have at my fingertips right now! I will be thankful and praise God!
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