Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Letting Go

On that day they read aloud from the book of Moses in hearing of the people…”
Nehemiah 13:1

The people were back from captivity.  They had rebuilt the temple.  The walls were strong again, and they read the book of Moses to remember the covenant that God had made with them.  There in the book of Moses, they were reminded of God’s goodness and love.  Of His bringing them out of Egypt and all the miracles that He wrought in the lives of their ancestors.  They were reminded that it was the failure of the Israelites to keep God’s commandments that brought upon them the burning of Jerusalem and the deportations to Babylon.  They chose to renew their covenant with God through obedience, even to the putting away of foreign wives and children from such unions.  Hard?  Yeah!  Tough?  Oh yeah!  Impossible?  Just about.  But a heart bent on obeying God can do the impossible. 

In order to accomplish the impossible though, we must know our God and remember His goodness.  He loves us and sets out His commandments for our safety and provision.  He made us and He wrote the owner’s manual.  He knows best how we operate and what will trip us up and what will make us work effectively.  His rules are for our benefit.  Have you strayed?  Maybe you need to put away something that you have taken hold of that is against God’s ways according to His word.

Do it!  It is the only way to reenter into a right relationship with God.  He is a holy God.  He loves you and His love will be enough in your tough times of letting go.  He is faithful and true and eternal.  The heartaches of this world are only momentary light affliction compared to the weight of glory that awaits us in the forever.  Letting go usually opens our hands up to be able to receive something even better!


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