Monday, March 25, 2013

Attributes of Our Heavenly Father #1

“…but My lovingkindness shall not depart from him…” 2 Samuel 7:14-16
 “He shall be called…Eternal Father…” Isaiah 9:6 

First attribute as God as our Father is that His love is everlasting.  Because His love is not based on our actions, but on our position, He loves us with unconditional love.  He will never disown us or deny us of our sonship!  What is our position?  John 1:12 says, “…to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor the will of man, but of God.”  We were not born Jewish (of the blood), nor could we earn the right by the works of our flesh, nor could we just decide that we want to be a child of God by our own volition and efforts.  No, we became a child of God only as we believed on His name and were born of God.  Belief is a tricky word.  The demons believe and yet they shudder.(James 2:19)  Belief has to go deeper than giving a mental assent to something.  Rather, this belief is mental acknowledgement put into action.  We believe it to the point of putting our lives into His hands, surrendering up our desires and resting in Jesus, and denying ourselves the right to be in charge of our own lives.  Then we are truly children of God, born of God. 

And once born we cannot be unborn.  God’s love and promises are everlasting.  We are His.  Now, we do still have the ability to decide how we will spend this life.  Some will go into heaven limping and wounded and crawling and prideful.  Others will go leaping and rejoicing, joyful and praising and humble.  I want to be the latter!  And oh, the joy this side of heaven of walking with our Father, listening to His words and knowing His great love!  It is a love that we can count on.  It is a love that will not change.  It is a love that is deeper than we can understand.  It is an everlasting love.


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