God, our Father, wants to mold us into His image. Most earthly fathers have that same dream for
their sons. For some it is to take up
the same profession or to excel in the same sport or past time. For others it is to mold men of character and
men of courage. Some fathers know how to
go about doing this while still allowing the child their individual personality
and freedom to become who God created him to be. Others try to force their ideals and dreams
upon their offspring and either break their spirit or cause rebellion to swell
God chooses to mold His children
first through a great sacrifice then with His great words of wisdom that
transform and also by the Holy Spirit that lives within us to convict, train,
comfort, teach, rebuke, and love us. It
is through the Father’s modeling of grace and mercy and compassion and
forgiveness that we learn grace, and mercy and compassion and forgiveness. It is through His words that we learn the
road to righteous living. It is the Holy
Spirit that disciplines us, guides us, encourages us , and keeps us on the
narrow path.
Oh Lord, that You would mold my heart to look like
yours. No greater compliment could be
given than that I am like my Father!
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