Wednesday, January 30, 2013

You are a Somebody!

“Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God.”
2 Corinthians 3:5

 When we are not trying to prove to the world or ourselves that we are adequate in ourselves, then we are free to be whom called created us to be.  It’s okay to just enjoy where you are for the moment.  Yes, it’s okay to have goals, but in the midst of reaching those goals, enjoy the moment.  Take time to be content with where you are on your journey.  I am of the personality that likes to plan ahead, know what’s coming, and control my future.  The truth though is that only God can control my future and He is faithful and trustworthy!  Only in Him am I adequate.  I am worthy and fully loved and accepted just because I am His.  I don’t have to “become” somebody, I am already somebody in God’s eyes.  I am His princess.  You are His prince or princess!  Take time to revel in the moment.  Look around and smell the roses.  Enjoy being and praise God for every breathe and every step.  You are somebody!


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