Well, I haven't written for a couple of weeks. Technical difficulties (my computer), the flu (my husband and I) and lots of company for Christmas (5 boys, 1 fiancee, 2 in-laws, 2 friends) have kept me away. But what fun we had! (All except for the flu!) We exchange homemade gifts each year. This year I was excited to present to the men of the family t-shirts that I had painted with a family crest. Because "Halydier" is a 4th generation name with my boys, I got to research and design the crest. It included halberds (mean looking spear like weapons), a cross, an anchor, a Catherine wheel, an apple, an ivy leaf, a cinquefoil (a 5 pointed flower), and a hunting horn. Each had a significant meaning behind them and each were meant to encourage the next generation to live a life of faith and trust, of joy and hope in Christ Jesus! They were recieved with enthusiam and I got some great pictures! (Because I am on a borrowed computer, I can't include it today, but will try to get it on here tomorrow!)
The boys outdid themsleves with woven leather bracelets, leather knife holders, leather cup holders, wood coasters, boxes with pictures and shadow boxes with pictures and sayings, and cool bottles filled with trail mix. Nana and Pa put together photo books of their lives to help the boys see them as real people not just old folks! (That was their words!) We also exchanged Goodwill gifts that have to be bought at a second hand store with the recipient in mind. My favorite was a giant plastic cholcolate kiss that opened up to songs abut kisses to display a bowl full of our favorite candy.
Over and over throughout the week, we were reminded that we are passing on a legacy to our boys. I want that to be a legacy of faith and trust in Jesus, love and laughter with Mom and Dad, and relationships that will last a lifetime into eternity. We tend to think of legacies as land and money and reputation and possessions. Paul lists all of his earhtly assets and recommendations but then proclaims that, "...whatever things were gain to me, those things i have counted as loss for the sake of Christ." (Philippians 3:7). I, too, want to claim and pass on a legacy of truth and joy in Christ rather than earthly possessions.
Nathan, our second born, made shadow boxes with pictures in them. In the one to my husband and I he included a picture of the five boys with these words: "To be a Halydier means to hold honesty and integrity in high regard adn to live with passion in pursuit of dreams, inspiring others just as we have been inspired. thank you for such an incredible legacy." I think he got it!
What about you? what legacy are you passing on?
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