At the cross we were justified!
"Therefore, having been justified by faith,
we have pace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ..."
Romans 5:1
So what does it mean that we were justified? Justification is actually a legal term and action. God signed a legal contract at the cross declaring us not guilty, innocent, absolved, acquitted. Once we are justified, then no one can take us back to court for the same crime or sin.
Justification is a fact. An irreversible decision and action. If you have asked Jesus to forgive you of your sins, then you are justified. Period. It is finished. There si nothing that you can do to get God to reverse His verdict.
So what does that have to do with how you live your life? Well, when Satan whispers in your ear that you are so bad that God can't forgive you, you can remind him that you are justified; already judged and been declared righteous.
Being justified is also the first step towards reconciliation. Reconciliation is the process of renewing a relationship. Because we are no longer considered guilty in God's eyes through the blood of the cross, we can enter into a relationship with Him. We can "...draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16)
Justification is a one time action. We don't have to keep being justified. We are justified. Period. Legally we are God's. Ruth Bell Graham wrote a peom about two sheep. both were the Shepherd's sheep, but one came limping home, worn out, abused, disgraced and the other came bounding in exultantly with great joy. Both were justified, bought with a price and declared fit for the Kingdom, but only one knew the joy of walking with Jesus along the way and abiding by His word and instructions. Which will you be? You will stand before God and give account of your words and actions. You are forgiven, but are you victorious?
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