Thursday, February 21, 2013

Keep Watch

This is a repeat, but so important


“Watch over your heart with all diligence,
For from it flows the springs of life.”
Proverbs 4:23

Check up time!  Are you watching over your heart by spending time with God every day? Hanging out with Godly friends that are walking in the word? Fleeing temptation when it comes to electronic input such as tv, computer games and images, radio, etc…? Are you attending church?  Getting involved in serving others?  Reading good books? Able to stand against the arguments of this world’s philosophies?

Find strength in one another and in the word of God and at His throne through prayer. Something that helps me is to visualize myself at the throne worshipping, dancing, sitting at Jesus’ feet, or walking in the garden with Him. 

Life is hard.  There are a lot of distractions and temptations.  Is it worth it – this godly living?  Oh yeah!!!  Every bit of it and then some!  The rewards are peace and love and patience and joy and eventually eternal life!  You get to talk to the very Maker of the Universe and feel His arms about you!  Godly living coupled with a relationship with the One who gave His life for you is never boring!  It is not all fun and games.  The storms will come, but you are an overcomer through Christ!

Keep watch diligently.


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