Wednesday, August 22, 2012


“Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me away from Your presence
And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of Your salvation
And sustain me with a willing spirit.
Then I will teach transgressors Your ways,
And sinners will be converted to you.”
Psalm 51:10-13

Where do you find yourself in that passage?  Needing a clean heart? Needing renewal? Needing your joy restored? Needing Someone to sustain you in the midst? Or on your feet and teaching others?  I think we all go through cycles of need.  It is great to know the Someone that can meet every need and bring us joy!

Today God reminded me to enter into His presence with thanksgiving and praise.  I just needed to be in His presence.  I have no answers to some big things going on in our lives.  But I know the Someone who does!  Cancer, chronic pain, broken relationships, broken hearts - I lift all these up to you, O God!  You can meet each need.  But mostly, You can draw those that I love to you.  Some don't know You, and You can create in them a clean heart through their repentance - bring them to that point.  Others know You but have chosen the things of this world - renew a steadfast spirit within them.  Some are just babies in You, Lord, and need You to sustain them with a willing spirit.  Then there are those who are teaching others and just need Your power and presence to be obedient and allow You to work Your marvelous regeneration in the heart of those that they are teaching.  May many be converted to You.

Every need is met in You. my Creator, Father, Lord, Life.  I fall upon my knees and adore You and lay all things at Your feet.  I am inadequate, unable, sometimes unwilling, but You can do all things.  Thank You.

Hint of the day:  Be real with those around you.  It's okay when you realize that you have a need.  God often uses those around us to encourage us or to meet that need.  When you put on a mask and pretend that everything is fine, then you are denying yourself answers and comfort, and are denying others the blessing of being used by God to reach out and love you.  It's risky, but when you can take off the mask and be real, God will meet you there.

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