The boys and I finished Fahrenheit 451 yesterday. It was a strange book, but really good. It made us think and discuss. It was written against censorship and for free speech. But our conversation took us more towards personal responsibility and filtering what comes into our home.
Psalm 101:3 says, "I will set no worthless thing before my eyes, I hate the work of those who fall away; It shall no fasten its grip on me."
As individuals and as a family, we have chosen to censor the things that come into our home via television, music choices, internet, etc. We do not forbid these forms of expression, but we filter what we allow into our home. Television is used for DVD's and good movies. It does not come on before 7:00 at night and usually not until 8 or 9. We do use Netflix, but we have it set to PG-13 and below only and even then, all shows must be passed by Mom and Dad. It is our responsibility and right to guard our children's hearts and minds. Theater movies are checked out on "Plugged In" by Focus on the Family. We encourage only the reading of godly books, or books that we can discuss and hold up against Scripture. Music and its musicians must be godly and praiseworthy. Internet is for research. Our teenagers do have facebook, but it as well as texts are monitored by Mom and Dad. Mostly, we trust our kids at this stage of the game (almost 18) to be godly in all forms of communication.
We have taught and are teaching our children to be discerning, not because of legalism, but because we want to glorify God in all things. That starts with guarding our hearts and minds.
Proverbs 4:16 says, "Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life."
Godly living begins with godly input. The day should begin and end with Scripture and there should be a heavy dose in the middle! Praise and prayer throughout each day will keep your mind on Jesus.
Check out Philippians 4:8.
Hint for the Day: For younger children, "NO" is the best answer. For older children, instead of "You can't" try "Why do you think you shouldn't?" This will give them the ability to begin to ask those questions and discern for themselves what they will do before their God.
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