is a foundational question that can make a big difference in how you live your
life, evaluate your life, and in how you feel about your life. What is success?
Is it more money, lots of laughter, great relationships, an upward career path,
accomplishing a list, or becoming a better person? These would be the answers
that you would expect in the Christian or secular world, but God has something
to say about the matter. READ
In Joshua chapter 1, Moses has
died and God is now using Joshua to lead the Hebrews into the Promised Land.
God is talking to Joshua and in verse 7 He tells him, "Only be strong and
very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My
servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have success wherever
you go." In other words, be obedient. That's Christian
success. It isn't following a formula, or paying more penance, or being better.
For a Christian:
obedience = success
Usually, I tend to look to the
results of my labors to determine my success. For example, if I witness to
someone, and he accepts Jesus as His Savior, then I am successful. In 1
Corinthians 3:7, we find these words: "So then neither the one who plants
nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth." God
says that if we are obedient to plant and water, the results are up to Him. In
other words, if I know that I am to witness to a person out of obedience to
God's word or His direct impression upon my spirit and I do so to the best of
my ability, whether or not he accepts Jesus as his Savior, I am a success! Has
God called me to teach? Then I am to teach. If only two small boys show up, I
still teach as if I am teaching to a thousand. If I am to serve, then I serve
as unto the Lord Jesus, Himself. If He asks me to administer grace then grace
it is. The results do not clarify my success. My obedience does.
The next verses in 1 Corinthians
3 talk about the work that will be burned up and the work that will pass
through the fire. It would stand to reason that the work that burns up is the
work that we determine to do in and of our own strength. It is done not out of
obedience, but rather out of selfish ambition or trying to gain our own
salvation. The work that will pass through the fire is work done out of
obedience. God calls; we answer and obey.
Pretend, for example's sake, that
you wake up one morning and you decide to fry an egg. We tend to think that if
we fry an egg and the yolk is whole, then we have succeeded. If we fry the egg
and the yolk breaks, we have failed. (I tend to fail at this task regularly!)
But if we look at obedience as our measure of success and God asks us to fry an
egg and we choose to fry an egg out of obedience, we are successful whether the
yolk breaks or not!
So whether you are trying to
succeed as a parent, a worker, a spouse, a homeschooling mom, or a friend, if
you are doing this task with all your heart because you feel that God has
called you to it, then you are a success! If your spouse walks out, your child
goes into rebellion, you lose your job, etc... you are not a failure. Others
have free will. You are not responsible for their choices - only your own.
This perspective can bring such freedom. Walk in obedience and
know success in your Father's eyes