"He has made everything beautiful in its time."
Eccl. 3:11
We have had a difficult couple of weeks at our house as one of our boys got life out of sequence and we find ourselves going to be grandparents just 6 months after the wedding. I have agonized for the sins of this beloved son and his wife, but I also grieve what they have lost - their wedding day joy, their wedding night magic, their relationship with God, and the broken relationship with my husband and I. But through it all, God keeps reminding me that He will make it beautiful in its time. This child will be a beautiful gift and when the couple repents and is restored that will be beautiful as well. We look forward to a deeper relationship with them in the future, and we are hanging on to hope in this time of disappointment and grief.
God makes everything beautiful in its time. That is according to God's time table - not ours. Life's hurts happen and we are confused and knocked sideways. But God promises that "...God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28 Looking back to times in my life that were tough either by life's circumstances or by my own sin, I find that God has truly turned each to good. No I don't like physical pain, but it has made me who I am and has taught me to rely upon my God day by day. No, I don't like the pain of broken family relationships, but God has shown Himself to me as Father in a very real way because I had to go to Him and climb into His lap for love and healing and grace and compassion.
In God's time, all will be made beautiful for those who rely upon Him. I choose to humble myself today before Him and wait upon Him. He will make this last event beautiful in His time. I just need to get out of the way and let Him work. How about you. Are you still trying to control the events of your life and others? Or are you ready to surrender to God all control and allow Him to make all things beautiful?