Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Cup Overflows

"My cup overflows." Psalm 23:5c

This one is easy and fun!  Especially since we went to the Sequioa National Forest and King's Canyon yesterday!  My cup overflows with the blessings of the Lord!  His creation is amazing and He made such beauty out of the chaos of the flood!  Wow!!!  He can make beauty out of the chaos of my life also!  What can you thank God for today?  Is it good health, great friends, faithful spouse, wonderful children, good circumstances?  Or is it just because He is your God?  His blessings include His presence, His access, His joy, His peace, His love, His forgiveness, His grace, etc.  My cups overflows!

Are you able to praise Him in the midst?  Joni Earickson-Tada is a woman that I most admire.  She was paraliyzed at the age of 17 from a diving accident.  She is now in her 50's and has been a quadripelegic for 4 decades!  She wrote in her recent book, A Place of Healing, that she would not change her paralysis or her life even though she has entered into a period of severe and intense pain.  She has experienced God very deeply and in amazing ways because she has had to depend on Him.  Without the trials of her life, she would never had known the depths of His love and grace. I have never experienced paralysis, but I have had chronic and severe pain everyday of my life.  God has been so good to me in the midst.  when I feel that I can't keep doing this, He reminds me that He hasn't asked me to do it for the next week or year or twenty years, but just for today. And His grace is sufficient for each day! So, even if you can't thank God for your circumstances right now, that is okay; just thank Him for being there with you.

My cup overflows with the joy of knowing God and seeing His hand in creation, my life, others, and in knowing that He is faithful and in the end, I will be with Him for eternity!

Take time to praise God and let your cup overflow today!

Hint of the day: Teach your children to see God's hand in the ordinary, everyday occurances of life - a sunrise, a sunset, the ocean staying within its bounds.  Show them God in there celebrations and in their failures.  God is there.  He cares.  When large things happen like a move, a trip, a change of circumstances, help them to look for God in the midst.  In great tragedy, help them to see God in the healing and in the journey.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


"You have anointed my head with oil..." Psalm 23:5b

In the Old Testament a prophet would anoint the head of the next king.  You are royalty and are anointed to be a prince or princess!  David was anointed when he was a young boy to become the next king of Israel.  He did not actually get to realize that position for many years after  many trials.  We, also, are anointed but we won't realize our position until we get to heaven.  Until then we are royalty in training!  We must go through trials also.  We must also keep looking to that day - it is a reality.  Psalm 18 is a song of David as God delivers him from the clutches of Saul, once again.  In verse 43 David acknowledges that God has placed him as head of a people.  This was not his experience at the time, but rather an acknowledgement of God's promise from the time of his anointing. 

In the New Testament, anointing was used to send out ambassadors for Christ.  New ministers and missionaries and workers were anointed before being sent out.  It was an acknowledgement of God's hand upon their lives and calling to tell others about Christ Jesus.  It was a promise to pray for and stand beside those that went out.  the anointed were to be faithful to the gospel and to be about the task of evangelizinig and training.  We, too, are ambassadors of Christ.  God has anointed us to go and tell.

The third way that anointing is used in the Bible is in the process of prayer for healing.  We are anointed with healing oil form the Lord and have been made pure and complete in Him in our spirit.  Our bodies will still suffer this effects of this world, but we are whole ad clean before God.

So, we have been anointed as royalty and as ambassadors and healed within our spirit.  One is a position that is ours but will be realized in the future.  The next is the task that we are to be about now.  God has anointed my head with oil...  I am His.  He loves me.  He delights in me.  He is saving a place for me as His osn or daughter.  He is sending me out to bring others to a relationship with Him.  I am anointed and so are you !

Hint of the Day: Olive oil has great healing properties today.  I soak my fingernails in it at night and they grow strong and not brittle.  Others use it for their hair and skin. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

God's Table

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies..."

Eating together is an intimate occupation.  We don't usually eat with strangers.  We eat with those we love, or at least like!  Family and friends join us at the table for celebration, for fellowship, for daily sustenance.  We will be eating at God's table in heaven at the Supper of the Lamb with our Father, our Big Brother, and our other brothers and sisters in Christ.  But even now we can come to a spiritual table and eat daily of God's Word.  It will sustain our Spirit life, give us energy and vitality.  When we have supped on the word of God, then we are ready to stand before our enemies with God's truth.  That is the most powerful weapon we have!  And truth will hold up against any of satan's plans or attacks.  God's truth is solid; it cannot be broken or cast down.   It will stand!  "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away." (Mark 13:31)

When a Christian chooses to go days, even weeks without spiritual food, he becomes weak and unable to use the truth against satan, and then doubts and self-recriminations, and self-hatred will be his mind set.  Don't starve yourself or go on a diet when it comes to God's Word.  Eat of it often; eat of it in abundance; be filled with God's truth.  Then you are ready to stand against the schemes of the devil. (Ephesians 6:11)  When we are filled with truth, we stand in faith.  When we know our God, we can see and hear our God and we can act wisely.

Christians, our table is prepared.  Are you sitting at it?  Are you eating daily God's Word?  If not, find victory and joy and peace and love at the table that God has prepared for you even in the presence of your enemies.  Do not be afraid of men, for what can they do to you, but rather fear God who has rule over the souls of man. (Luke 12:4)

Hint of the Day:  When teaching your children, teach them truth first in their lives, first in their day.  Then don't be afraid to teach them the world's falehoods such as other religions and revolution.  Teach them to hold up these false teachings to the truth that they already know.  They will easily see the depth of God's truth and the shallowness of satan's lies.  I actually became a Christian after going through all of the world religions.  Christianity was the only one that made sense and that answered the true problem of sin!  Your children will be able to defend their beliefs, only after learning what others believe.  But don't teach it until you know that God's truth has taken deep root in their lives and even then only teach from a biblical perspective.  Truth will stand!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Thy Rod and Thy Staff

“Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”
Psalm 23:4c

A shepherd’s rod and staff had four purposes: protection, guidance, discipline, and giving love.  With the rod the shepherd could beat off a predator and with the staff he could pull a lamb back away from a steep precipice.  He used both to keep the sheep in a line heading towards that peaceful green valley and springs of water.  He used the rod and staff to direct and guide.  And when a lamb refused to stay within the boundary of safety, the rod would be used to break a leg.  The shepherd would then carry the lamb until the leg healed and it would stay near the shepherd who it had grown to depend upon.  Lesser forms of discipline were also inflicted with the rod.  A quick and light hit to the backside would stop a fight, keep a sheep from eating a poisonous plant, and move a sheep on the way.  And the shepherd would use the rod or staff for a backscratcher when he wanted to love his sheep!

God is our Shepherd.  His rod and staff comfort us because we can trust God for His protection, guidance, and discipline and love.  I think that we will all be quite surprised when we get to heaven and will know what all God protected us from.  Here in satan’s domain is danger at every turn.  Nothing is allowed by God into our lives before first going through His hand.  He protects us from those things that will only bring harm or early death.  He allows those things that He can use to train us and guide us and that we will allow to make us dependent upon Him.  God uses His rod to keep us within the boundaries of safety.  His rod is often the Bible.  Therein is  found the moral code and boundaries that are acceptable for a Christian. 

So is every bad thing that happens to me a discipline of the Lord for my bad behavior or attitude?  No!  God also uses the metaphor in John 15 of a vine that needs pruning.  The vine did no wrong, but still needs to be guided and pruned to produce juicy and large fruit.  Sometimes the things that God allows into our lives are pruning tools.  When tough times come, ask God to show you whether you need to repent of sin or whether you need to sit back and listen to what He is trying to teach you.  Approach both with an open and honest heart of humility and the desire to glorify God and you will grow fruit and you will grow closer to God.

Remember: “All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.” Hebrews 12:11  Be comforted that when you are disciplined by God, it is because you are His son or daughter and He loves you!

 Lastly, the shepherd would use his rod to love on the sheep.  With the tip, he would scratch their bellies or rub their backs.  Encouragement, love, and joy were shared with the rod.

Hint for the Day:  Many parents tell me that they use the Proverbs when disciplining.  This is good, but only when balanced with encouragement from the Word the rest of the time.  If you use the Word of God as a paddle, your children will not have a love for it.  Use God’s Word wisely that your children will desire the deeper truths that are found there.  Words of discipline go much deeper when coupled with encouragement. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Valley of the Shadow of Death

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil, for You are with me..."
Psalm 23:4a

Literally, the Hebrew translates "the valley of deep darkness".  Have you been there?  Are you there now?  Whether depression, grief, anger, or strife has taken you into that valley, you are not alone!  God tells us in Isaiah 41:10,
"Do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God,
I will strengthen you, surely I will help, you,
Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."
And in the New Testament, Jesus reminds us that,  "I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

Think for a minute with me. You are standing in a totally dark room.  There is nothing but darkness all around.  Then you turn on the light switch.  What happens!  That's right! Light is everywhere and there is no more darkness.  Remember: Where light is, darkness must flee!  Darkness and light cannot coexist!  If Jesus is with you and He is Light, then there can be no more darkness or evil!  Look at James 4:7. "Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you."

Christians sometimes have dark times.  Jesus even had a dark time on the cross where He felt abandoned by God.  Jesus wept at the death of Lazarus, but then He got up and raised Lazarus from the dead!!!  Having a dark time is not sinful, staying in the dark time and not moving beyond it is.  There is joy in the morning!  I have been there, Friends.  I have been through clinical depression.  Darkness so dark that it put me on the ground and held me there.  It was a pit so dark and so deep that I could not see my way out.  But when I cried to God, He led me to wholeness and joy through His Word, His Presence, and His people (friends and counselor).

Let me remind you of one more verse: Psalm 37:23-24.
"The steps of a man are esstablished by the Lord,
And He delights in his way.
When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong,
Because the Lord is othe One who holds his hand."

When you were teaching your child how to walk, the time came for you to let go.  That child either walked or fell down or both!  But you were there to pick him/her up and set them back on their feet to try again.  The child could have sat down and cried, "Daddy (or Mommy),  where are you that you let me fall and hurt?"  You were there all the time, but the child did not know that.  Letting go is a part of good parenting.  God also sometimes lets us go, that we may test our faith muscles, but He is always there and ready to pick us up again!

Hint of the Day: Begin letting go today while your children have the safety net of your home, your love, your comfort and your care.  Be there, but stand back.  Don't rescue them from every evil, let them figure out what to do and just reassure them that if they need you , you are there.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

His Name's Sake

"H guides me in paths of righteousness,
For His name's sake."
Proverb 23:3b

When my boys were young and we were getting ready to go out on a field trip or a grocery run or anywhere in public, I would remind them that they represented first, God and second, the Halydiers.  For the sake of our family's name, they were expected to behave!  Especially since there are not very many other Halydiers out there!!!  In the same way, Christians are to go out into their world as representatives of God's name.  They should walk in paths of righteousness so that others will not point fingers and say, "Hypocrite," or decide to turn against God based upon His children's manners and actions. 

The good news is that God guides us in those pths of righteousness.  His Word is a moral compass, teaching what righteousness looks like!  His Spirit is ever close to nudge us in the right direction and convict us when we are wrong.  If you have no conscience about your sin, then examine yourself and make sure that you are a born again child of God because the Spirit will convict Christians of their misbehavior.

Throughout the Old Testament the children of Israel are told to obey God so that the other nations would see a difference and turn to God.  Unfortunately, they were not wise children and turned to other God's.  God then disciplined them and is still disciplining them until the latter days.  Don't be like the Israelites trning others away from God, but rather be a faithful child and live a life of righteousness that others will see your testimony of God's goodness and turn to Him.

Hint of the Day: Teach your children to take pride in their family name.  Have older children design a family crest.  Put it on t-shirts or frame it and hang it in a prominant place in your home.  Remind them that they are a __________________ (Smith, Jackson, etc...) and that they should be proud to represent their family in public.  Remind your children that they are also God's children and need to represent His name in righteousness.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

He Restores

"He restores my soul."  Proverbs 23:3

Wow!  I need restoring often.  Restoring is bringing back to original or top condition.  When I sin, when I get apathetic, when I am tired or grumpy or...I need restored.  Physically, restoration comes with a nap, a glass of cool water, or food.  If I have been sick, restoration comes with medication and lots of rest and water!  Spiritually, restoration comes when we rest in Christ, read the Word (food), and commune with the Holy Spirit (water).  When I am really sick spiritually, I need confession, repentance and restoration from God.

Only God can restore our souls.  We can try a new diet, a new outlook, positive thinking, changing our habits or ways, etc... But these things only change the outside and the immediate, never the core of our being or the eternal lasting changes that comes through God's restoration. 

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.  He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still water.  He restores my soul..."  Who better to bring us back to wholeness and restoration than the One who cares so much that He watches over us, provides for our needs, and protects us?  He knows our hearts, our weaknesses, our strengths, our talents, our gifts, and our personalities.  He can try to keep us from falling, but when we willfully disobey and go our own way, He is there to restore us.

"The steps of a man are established by the Lord,
And He delights in his way.
Whe he falls, he will not be hurled headlong,
Becasue the Lord is the One who holds his hand."

He picks us back up and restores us in fellowship, in love, and in truth. 

I needed restoration from the memories of my past, my sinful choices, and the festering pus of suppressed feelings.  I had been a Christian for 34 years.  I had been in the Word, I had walked with my Savior.  He had forgiven all my sins and been my friend, my comforter, my source and my protector.  But, I had not given Him my past.  When depression overtook me, I sought help.  I then realized that there were events, and therefore feelings, that I had not remembered or dealt with from my early childhood.  My Christian counselor and I prayfully began to dig these memories up and as God allowed them to come forth, we began to deal with the poison of my past.  It was not easy, it was messy, it hurt.  but once we lanced that boil and cleaned it out, it could heal.  God was with me through it all and oh the joy on this side of the battle!  God restored my soul to such fullness and healing!  I had never known that depth of love and release and joy and peace before!

Let God restore your soul.  He desires that you be whole.  Let Him be Lord of your past, then you will be free to allow Him full Lordship of your present and your future! 

Hint for the Day:  Be honest with God.  It is okay to be angry with God, to question Him to let Him know that you are not happy.  He is big enough; He can handle your emotions.  If you have never expressed strong emotion before it is helpful to have a safe friend or counselor with you.  find a physical release.  Throw some yucky plates at a wall, swing a bat at an old beat up car, hit your teddy bear.  And spew out the anger and frustration, your deepest feelings.  Saying them will be like lancing a pus pocket and letting out the anger.  Then have someone safe that can pray with you and lead you into God's truth helping you to begin the restoration process.  " transformed by the Word of God." (Romans 12:2)  Make sure you are surrounded by Godly counsel and that you are moving away from the hurt and bitterness.  God will restore!

Hint for the Day 2: Make sure that your kids are dealing with feelings as they go along in life and are not bottling them up.  Give them opportunities to share without fear of reprisal.  Let them be mad (but not disrespectful).  Allow them to question and learn.  Then help them come to full restoration through prayer and Bible study.

Monday, July 9, 2012

God is Peace

"He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside quiet waters."
Psalm 23:2

"Abide in Me, and I in you." John 15:4  Throughout John and 1 John, we find that we are to abide.  To abide means to dwell there continuously.  When we are abiding in Christ, we are dwelling in His presence always.  And there in His presence, He leads us to green pastures and still waters.  The very necessities of life - food and water.  God does not throw us scraps, but rather leads us to the best. 

We abide in our homes.  Home should be a place of comfort and rest and safety.  Peace should envelop us as we enter our front door.  We never allowed our children to be disrespectful of one another because home was the safe place for all.  As we abide in Christ we will also find that comfort and rest, that safety and peace.  Your home may be in a quiet suburb or in the middle of a bustling city.  It might be in a war-torn nation, a tsunami ravaged country, or in the peaceful countryside.  It doesn't matter where you reside, just that when you are in your home, there is rest. 

Picture the greeen pastures and the quiet waters.  This is a place of rest from the turmoils of life, work, school, or unsettling relationships.  Here you can be filled, lay your head down to sleep, and rise to drink deeply of clear water.  In the Scriptures we find that we are to be fed with the Word of God and that water is the metaphor for the Spirit of God.  Our green pastures come as we are led to read and pray through the word of God. We rest in His promises and presence and we rise up to be filled with the Holy Spirit which brings joy and strength.

Then we are ready to face our "valley of the shadow of death (literal translation - deep darkness).  That can be depression, divorce, abuse, life's struggles, grief, etc.  We are strengthened from our time of rest, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and steady on our foundation and anchor of the word of God.
He is faithful.  Go to Him and find your rest.  Jesus says in Matthew 11:29-29, "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."

Hint of the Day: Whether you are a stay at home mom or a working mom, your home must be priority.  There should be a sense of peace and rest when anyone enters.  We pray this over our home.  Clean, uncluttered, pleasant to look at, and organized will help make your home inviting.  Candles and accessories are nice too, but not required. Ask your husband what needs to be done at home for him to feel comfortable and at rest. My husband just wanted the bed made and the dishes done. Toys on the floor did not bother him, although we did try to have a general pickup every day before he got home.
Rules for the family members that bring peace and joy and safety is a must!  Our overriding rule when the boys were small was "Make each other feel special."  If what they said or did did not make the other feel special then they were in the wrong.  Be consistent in your discipline and set your standards high with mercy and forgiveness the guiding factors.

Friday, July 6, 2012

God's Enough

"The Lord is my Shepherd,
I shall not want."
Psalm 23:1

God cares for you AND he has the resources to meet all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus! (Philippians 4:19)  There was a time in my life when I moaned, "If Jesus is the answer, then I am in trouble because I have Jesus and I am anxious, depressed, and scared!"  I knew other things would not suffice, so then what?  I was facing memories of childhood abuse, suicidal thoughts, facing a future of constant and deep pain due to spina bifida, not being able to walk again, and being in a church that just didn't care.  A dear friend of mine taught me the priciple of "Deeper In."  Jesus is enough. Period.  If He is not meeting your needs, go deeper in.  When Jesus went to the garden of Gethsemene, He took all of His closest disciples.  Then He left them and took only three deeper in with Him.  Finally, Jesus left these three and went even deeper into the garden by Himself to be alone with God.  I went deeper in.  I spent a year in bed communing with God. Praying. Praising. Worshipping. What a wondrous year it was!  It brought healing to my soul, my body, (along with two surgeries), and to my outlook.  Jesus was enough!!!

I have counseled many ladies recently that were Christians, going to church, reading their Bibles, raising their kids in the Word, but they felt flat, unmotivated, joyless.  As they each took the challenge to go deeper in, their lives were transformed!  The Lord is my Shepherd.  The Lord that loved me, died for me, and rose agian and is waiting for me!  He is my Shepherd. 

The Lord is my Shepherd.  The One that watches over me, ever guarding me and protecting me.  He is my provider and my friend.  He carries me when I can't walk and laughs with me as I run across the fields of life! He is not even getting paid for this!  He does it out of love.  He sacrificed Himself that I might live forever with Him.   He puts joy and music in my heart.  He allows me to love and forgive others to full measure.  I shall not want.

I shall not want.  He is enough.  I may go to bed in pain, I make wake up in pain.  I may wonder how the days events will happen.  But I shall not want even in the midst.  I may go to bed hungry or lose a best friend, but I shall not want.  Jesus is enough!  Go to Him.  Go deeper in.  Read His Word and be transformed. 

God has also blessed in that I am walking!  Every step is a praise!  He comforts me in the midst of the pain.  He has provided for our needs and is blessing as we travel and speak and encourage homeschoolers around the country.  The Lord is my Shepherd.

Hint of the Day:  We do not live in an agrarian society like Israel.  They understood Jesus' reference to a Shepherd in a much more intimate way.  It is a great study.  Have your kids (or do it yourself) look up shepherding in ancient Israel.  See what the Shepherds job was and how he fulfilled it.  I know that when a lamb insisted on wandering, the shepherd would break its leg and carry it until it healed.  Then the lamb would not leave his side because the shepherd had been its protector and giver of sustenance.  David refers to this in the  51 Psalm and it can be found in Isaiah.  The shepherd also slept at the gate of the sheep pen.  No one could get to the sheep without first going through the shepherd!  "I am the door," Jesus said.  Also the sheep knew the shepherds voice and special call.  This allowed the different owners to call to their sheep to divide them out of a larger crowd.  See what else you can find out!  It is quite amazing.  The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


"Therefore there is now no condemnation in Christ Jesus."
Romans 8:1

Happy 4th of July!  Today is the day that we celebrate freedom.  Freedom from tyranny and coersion.  Freedom to worship and speak, gather and bear arms.  I think that I don't really understand that freedom as I should because I have never been enslaved or imprisoned or lived under a government that didn't allow these activities.  I am grateful and I appreciate our freedom, but I am not sure I understand them to the depth that I should. 

As a Christian, however, I do understand the breadth of the freedom we have in Christ!  I was a sinner separated from God; I have known guilt and shame; I have been in bondage to my own passions and desires.  But now... Now there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus!!!  Freedom from sin and shame and separation is mine!  I know the depth of depravity and depression, and I know the joy of release!  Today I celebrate my country's freedom, but I also celebrate the liberation of my soul.  I know that if man were to take my body prisoner, that I will be okay, even content because I can stand in the presence of the love of Almighty God!

I know a lot of Christians that have not experienced the freedom that is theirs in Christ because they have not spent time in His Word, His presence.  They have not drunk from the depth of His wisdom and joy. They have the Holy Spirit within them, but they don't allow Him the freedom to guide and direct.  They have not fully put their trust in God and they remain prisoners of their own fear and depression, their past and their supposed future. 

Dear Sister and Brother in Christ, Freedom is yours!  Claim it!  Be transformed by the  renewing of your mind.  Find instruction and wisdom.  Seek knowledge and understanding.  It is there in the person of Christ Jesus and in His Word.  God may not choose to change your circumstance, but He can change your heart and your mind in the midst.  Joni Earickson Tada has a new book out: A Place of Healing.  It is a worthwhile read.  She is a quadripilegic that is contending with daily, chronic pain, but she finds joy in the midst. God has promised us peace and joy and His presence as well as troubles and tribulations here on earth.  Plunge into the depths of His love and know true freedom.

Hint of the Day: Pretending that all is well is not the same of experiencing freedom.  If you put a smile on because that is what Christians are supposed to do, then you have it all wrong, my Friend.  Find your joy first, then smile.  For me that was dealing with my past and the fears of the future and letting God be Lord of it all.  For many years my smile was a mask; now it is a reflection of a life hidden in Christ and experiencing His love and joy.  I wish the same for you.